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Len Berghoef

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Re: What Are The Social Benefits of Humor and Laughter?
1/17/2007 1:32:39 PM

Hi Jenny,

Thank you for your positive comments. You are so right much is to be gained by having some humor in our lives.
Growing up I did not see much of that at home so often I acted out in school and loved to get students to laugh...needless to say the teacher did not appreciate it much. :)
Thanks again for stopping by!

Kind Regards,



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Len Berghoef

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Re: What Are The Social Benefits of Humor and Laughter?
1/17/2007 1:38:14 PM

Hi Deborah,

Great to see you!  Hope you are feeling better. You can laugh I see so that is a good sign! :)  Sometimes we just have to just make our selves laugh out loud and that helps.

Have a wonderful day Deborah! :)

Warmest Regards,





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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: What Are The Social Benefits of Humor and Laughter?
1/17/2007 1:48:59 PM

Hi Leonard,

I heard laughing also lowers our blood pressure, that's a good reason in itself!  Humor is a comforting mechanism, when we meet people we don't know, and then end up laughing together, especially when we think  the other person is an authority figure, it's good to find out that they are human and can laugh at their own mistakes.

Len Berghoef

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Re: What Are The Social Benefits of Humor and Laughter?
1/17/2007 2:13:05 PM

Hi Kathleen,

Thank you for posting! Yes you are absolutely right.  Smiling, humor, laughing  does a lot of positive things to our bodies and minds. Here is some of what I posted a while back on this subject which comes from a doctor who studied this subject:

 Laughter has been called "internal jogging", and a great belly laugh can provide up to forty-five minutes of relaxation. Here is how it works:

Laughter is a series of spasms of the diaphragm. The spasms contain more oxygen. They also help to clean out the lungs. At the same time, the heart is pumping more blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. Circulation and muscle tone improve. Blood pressure is lowered, too. All this activity increases the rate of digestion. That's reason enough for several laughs a day. What else happens when you laugh? 

Your brain releases pain-reducing, chemicals called endorphins into the blood stream that help the healing process. So humor isn't just a laughing matter-it's serious business. What if you are in pain and don't feel like laughing? Just fake it!

Endorphins can be tricked into action if you just smile. A sense of humor, however, is more important than just laughter. The ability to see the humor in a situation is as important as the laughter itself. A sense of humor lets you be productive and roll with the punches at the same time. To build up your sense of humor, start with how you see yourself.

Once you learn to take yourself less seriously, chances are you'll become more tolerant of others. Can you see the humor in your own flaws? Can you laugh at your own mistakes? Being able to laugh at yourself with love and acceptance builds the foundation for a healthy outlook toward yourself and the world around you.

Best Regards,



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Herb Gruenewald

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Re: What Are The Social Benefits of Humor and Laughter?
1/17/2007 3:42:55 PM
Hi Leonard,

I agree with you 100%, hence my forum
'A Little Bit of Humor'.

All the BEST,
