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Len Berghoef

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What Are The Social Benefits of Humor and Laughter?
1/17/2007 12:21:46 PM

Hi Adland friends,

I came across this interesting article recently. It's a great reminder why humor is good for our health. 

Our work, marriage and family all need humor, celebrations, play and ritual as much as record-keeping and problem-solving. We should ask the questions "Do we laugh together?" as well as "Can we get through this hardship together?" Humor binds us together, lightens our burdens and helps us keep things in perspective. One of the things that saps our energy is the time, focus and effort we put into coping with life's problems including each other's limitations. Our families, our friends and our neighbors are not perfect and neither are our marriages, our kids or our in-laws. When we laugh together, it can bind us closer together instead of pulling us apart.

Remember that even in the most difficult of times, a laugh, or even simply a smile, can go a long way in helping us feel better

  • Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
  • Humor unites us, especially when we laugh together.
  • Laughter heals.
  • Laughs and smiles are enjoyed best when shared with others.
  • To laugh or not to laugh is your choice.

How do we bring more humor and laughter into our lives?

When we consider the inestimable benefits of humor, we want to bring as much laughter into our lives as possible. But for those who grew up in humor-deprived environments, where fun was discouraged or thought of as frivolous, finding opportunities to belly laugh at ourselves and with (not at ) others may be rare and experienced as awkward.

Fortunately, as individuals we are programmed to laugh. Think of times when others were laughing around you – and maybe you didn’t even know why – but you found yourself laughing uncontrollably with them. There are many kinds of humor and many opportunities for developing humor. We can learn to laugh more frequently by expanding our sense of humor and using it with others. Learning about the nature and variety of humorous experience helps us see that our lives abound with opportunities for finding humor and exercising laughter.

"The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends." - Bob Hope


Have a great day my friends! :)


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Re: What Are The Social Benefits of Humor and Laughter?
1/17/2007 12:33:10 PM

Very Cool info. made my afternoon. Thanks !!!

Gregory/ Intern On Duty


Jenny SJ

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Re: What Are The Social Benefits of Humor and Laughter?
1/17/2007 12:39:19 PM
Hello Leonard

That is a great article that you have posted.  Humour is one of the most wonderful, sane and positive things we have.  "Laugh and the world laughs with you"

and your comment:

But for those who grew up in humor-deprived environments, where fun was discouraged or thought of as frivolous, finding opportunities to belly laugh at ourselves and with (not at ) others may be rare and experienced as awkward.

speaks about many of us.  But once we discover that humour can increase the quality of our lives a hundredfold - we gain a precious jewel - it is never too late to learn and it is not frivoulous - it is essential!!


Len Berghoef

1472 Posts
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Re: What Are The Social Benefits of Humor and Laughter?
1/17/2007 1:21:29 PM

Hello Gregory,

Thanks glad it made your afternoon!
Say hello to Joe for me.


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Deborah Skovron

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Re: What Are The Social Benefits of Humor and Laughter?
1/17/2007 1:22:59 PM

Hi Leonard,

  WHat a great article!!

I love to laugh. HA HA HA  See, it just makes you feel better. LOL

Thank you, my friend.

Your Good Friend


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