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Re: Prayer Needed From The Faithful!
1/24/2007 4:27:38 AM

Hello Damaris,
I am sorry about your loss. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. God bless you all with strength and comfort at this time. Your husband is at peace now.

Take care,

Mel R:) "Don't walk through this world alone"
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Re: Prayer Needed From The Faithful!
1/24/2007 9:53:09 PM
I think i have posted before, and if so, im glad im posting again! Since being a Baptized Christain 8 years now, i find with reading Gods word and applying it to my life, i often come up with thoughts and prayers, some of you adlanders know, but it wasn't until recently working with brother Bogdan that i have opened my heart to all of you, i have made some real good friends and many of you are aquantesses and i thank you all. For You Damaris-)Dear Father, gracious God, Thank you, dear Father, that while we were helpless, Christ our Savior died for the ungodly. You showed your love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ your Son died for us. Since therefore we are justified by Christ's blood, much more shall we be saved by him from your wrath! For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to you by the death of your Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life! Let his life be lived in my life and the life of every one of your people! Not only so, but I now find so much joy in you as my God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received our reconciliation. Thank you for your free and wonderful gift! Thank you for being my God! By the authority of Christ and in his name I pray. Amen.
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Re: Prayer Needed From The Faithful!
1/25/2007 8:40:19 AM

My deep & hearfelt thanks go out to all the faithful people in this Community!! May the Good Lord Truly Bless each & Every one of You!!!! As I read all the replies that you have posted my heart is lifted to know that in a world filled with such evil God's people are still very much ALIVE & WELL!! I thank you Blessed Father God for the opportunity to find the Adlanpro Community for I have found more than just a Business Community I have found a Community of Friends!!!!!!      

                               God Be With You All!!!!!!!

                                                             Damaris :-)

Damaris P.Y.
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Re: Prayer Needed From The Faithful!
2/8/2007 9:55:36 AM
Hello Damaris,
As you can see, you have many caring friends here at AdlandPro.  We care and we are here to support you.  God surely expresses Himself through many with love.  You defintely will be loved through all of this. 
God bless you!
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