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Re: Prayer Needed From The Faithful!
1/17/2007 8:33:11 PM

Damaris, I understand how you must be feeling. I have only ever lost the one I love through a breakdown in 30 years of marriage and I was completely lost and depressed when this happened to me. However you lose is even worse as the one you love has passed over to be with his Father in Heaven. He is now out of his earthly pain, but now you suffer the hard emotional loss that is so very difficult for you to bear at this time. I pray for you that Father God will comfort you and protect you and send the Angels of the Lord to be with you at this time.

I pray that Father God will put people in your path to assist and comfort you, to help you gain strength and courage to move on, in time, with your life and your ambitions, I commit this pray to you in the name of Jesus Christ our redemer and our comforter in times of need. May God truly bless you now. Keith.

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Re: Prayer Needed From The Faithful!
1/17/2007 10:00:19 PM
you will be inn my prayers.

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Re: Prayer Needed From The Faithful!
1/17/2007 11:11:10 PM
Hi Damaris,

I am so sorry to hear about your loss, of course I will pray for you, that is the least I can do. 
Lord, I ask you for your comforting power to touch Damaris in her time of need.  May she feel your loving arms around her and give her peace.  Be with her and her family as they live there lives without Art as he was such a part of their lives May her memories become a wonderful part of life. We ask these things in Jesus the Christ.  Amen

Keep looking up Damaris, He will get you through this empty feeling. 
God Bless,
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Re: Prayer Needed From The Faithful!
1/18/2007 10:39:26 AM
I understand how you feel, I lost my mother to cancer. When she was diagnosed we were told we had 5 years left with her. She was gone in less than 4 months. She had one wish and that was that all her kids would be home for Easter. We were, but it was for her funeral. My prayers to you and your family.
T. Reed The Ultimate Super Juice, put the spring back in your step and your life.
Re: Prayer Needed From The Faithful!
1/18/2007 5:08:21 PM

Hi Damaris

Words offer little comfort to someone who is experiencing the loss of a loved one.  I know and believe with all my heart that every day that passes will make you stronger.

Remember your husband for the love that you shared and know that even if he's no longer around physically, his love, his spirit and his energy will always be within you.

Be blessed,



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