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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Important tip from Aaron and Kathy/Networking
1/14/2007 12:29:02 PM
Hello Gentlemen,
Thank you for asking great questions,
First of all Rudy, please  reprogram how you think, take the negitive out of your thinking and vocabulary. Believe let God or whatever higer power you believe in trust that he will prepare you to be a great tool.
It is all about planting seeds,
In your personal life I always give personally to the person  but on several occassions I will leave them at places.I have not had any trouble.
If it is gods will everything will fall into place. you are just a tool for god, you are there to stir people in growing and offer knowledge,, but Rudy you need to get alot more positive take all negitive out of your thinking,That is what shows to others.
You hve a great amsoil day Rudy!!!!
Aaron and Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Important tip from Aaron and Kathy/Networking
1/14/2007 12:35:16 PM
Hello Roger,
Thank you, leaving your profile behind as your business card, most people know that others are involved all over, most know the concept of leaving your profile behind as your business cards.
You do not have to go to them all, you can organize it to revisit it once amonth, most communities do not overwhelm you,I belong to over 15 communities.I am very busy 24/7 but I manage to revisit most at least 1 time daily. Theres always time its how you use your time or how determined you are.
If you have time to drink a beer you have time to check your email.
its what is important to you and how one is dedicated in really calling themselves a networker.
So you just do what you can.Not to many will think twice about if your there or not.
Aaron and Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Important tip from Aaron and Kathy/Networking
1/14/2007 3:49:19 PM

Thank you for the tip Kathy, we all need our memory jogged now and then.


Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Re: Important tip from Aaron and Kathy/Networking
1/14/2007 4:24:26 PM
Hello Bill,
Thank you. What works for me will not always work for others. I have massive drive passion and desire to succeed.I challenge myself to no end.I succeed in all I do.I have never met any one who can actually  keep up with my Passion, desire, and drive until I met Aaron.That is why he is my business Partner.He is not afraid to take it to the limit Aaron has more drive then any one out there.Its amazing.
We have suceeded and acomplished more in the last few months working together then most people have done in years.
So let us be an example for you all,Watch us,listen to us and let us help you advertise your presence and market your identity.

Aaron and Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Important tip from Aaron and Kathy/Networking
1/14/2007 4:34:52 PM
    Thanks Kathy, you are always on top of everything.

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