Dearest Marilyn,
Thank you for your love, appreciation and support. A few months ago I met you here at AdlandPro and came to know you in many ways over the following days, weeks and months. I found that you were a very spiritual, caring, loving and giving woman of impeccable character and great life experience. http://community.adlandpro.com/go/290826/myBiography.aspx
As time went on I found that you are the one and I came to love you with all of my heart and soul. And now that we have come together as husband and wife I am at the happiest times of my life and I know that we will prosper working together until the end of time.
I must thank you for this forum of love and devotion and want you to be assured that I truly love you and have devoted my life to you and your safety. This is a love to die for!........ As for this forum and all that you have written I can say that you are a hard act to follow! Could we say over the top?
I am happy that you think I am greater than sliced bread but didn't you know that "all men are dogs?" And so now I have been elevated to the level of a loving dog. Nobody can be that good, least of all me. So it is with a true heart that I vow to be there.............

Your Loving Husband,