My Dear Friend Michael,
Well, you have brought tears to my eyes with this post...thank you very much for the wonderful response!

You are so right about not taking another person's word about someone. Many times it can be someone just saying mean things just because they are jealous, or whatever the case may be. I know that Shirley is your entire life as Rick is mine now. I know that we will have just as a happy of a life as you two do!
I will remember your words of advice always my friend! I am sorry that I have to agree with you, but there are people in this community that are miserable and all they want to do is try to make others miserable too! I for one will not let them though!
Yes, I know that Rick is beside me and he will never let me fall and get hurt. He will always be there to pick me back up and I will be there beside him as well always!
Thanks again Michael...this was truly beautiful!
God Bless You and Shirley! Tell her "Hi" for me!
Love, Marilyn