Geketa, I forgot to add one ingredient that we always have with the meal that I mentioned earlier. We add pepper sauce to the turnip greens after it is placed on our plates. (We also add pepper sauce to potato soup.)
Not all restaurants here have pepper sauce like I'm writing about. Ones like "Mom's Daughters' Diner" have it on each table next to the sweeteners, salt, and pepper. My wife and I eat at a restaurant where they will bring out a red or a green pepper sauce if you ask for pepper sauce. They have two soups from which to choose each day. Potato soup is one of these on Thursday. My wife really likes their potato soup. She brings our pepper sauce with her on Thursdays.
No, Geketa, the cornbread is baked not fried. Are you referring to hoecakes when you write about fried cornbread?
Bless your heart, Geketa, for informing people that not everyone in this country speaks English the same way.