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Geketa Holman

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Re: Only a Southerner knows the difference between
1/11/2007 9:26:01 PM

Hi lawton,

My oh my , darlin you are a true southern gentlemen .. bless your heart ..:) that corn bread wouldn't happen to be fried ,now would it? LOL

Blessings my friend,


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Geketa Holman

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Re: Only a Southerner knows the difference between
1/11/2007 9:32:10 PM

Hi Valerie,

you are welcome! Maybe I should complile a southern  dictionary for out of towners lol



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Only a Southerner knows the difference between
1/11/2007 10:07:36 PM
Hi Geketa, Thanks for the invitation! Your thread is GREAT fun! A lot of those idioms were used in the area where I grew up - not in the south, but in what a lot of people from "way down there" think of as the "great white north," in northern British Columbia, Canada! The area where I grew up was one of the last areas to be considered by folks from the south to be a frontier area. There was no electricity, the roads were awful and gravel (or dirt), and our phones were the kind with the big dry cell batteries that you had to crank. (I still remember our number - 92M - a long and a short!) People from all over settled there, which is likely why it we ate breakfast, dinner and supper (lunch was a light snack you took on a hike), and why we used many of the idioms mentioned in your thread. I STILL find myself asking, "How y'all doing?" and it's been a loooooong time since I lived there! Thanks for the fun! God bless, Dave
Pauline Raina

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Re: Only a Southerner knows the difference between
1/11/2007 10:45:58 PM
Thanks for the invite and sharing Geketa, I could say I am familiar with the lingo here thru movies n songs...thats as far as it goes !!! :-) luv n hugs Pauline R
Geketa Holman

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Re: Only a Southerner knows the difference between
1/11/2007 10:48:12 PM

Hi Dave ,

Being born at the end of the baby boomers. I lived way out in the country fourty miles from no where and blum back in the sticks when i was young too.. so I can very well relate to that lifestyle of no electric and an out side privy ..we didn't even have a phone there were no lines yet out where we lived.  I beieve we got electric and phones when I was 5. I can still remember the food being cooked on a wood stove that was made of cast iron.. man am I old :)We still have some dirt roads here in Kentucky.

Glad you had fun with the thread thanks for dropping by.

Blessings my friend


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one

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