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Nick Sym

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Re: What's Truly Exceptable!
1/11/2007 12:20:25 AM


That is an excellent way to bring up children. Unfortunately peer person can sometimes undo the good that has been instilled in your child. It has been known for the longest time that children can be the cruellest when they do not understand something, but keep up the great job. We need more parents like yourself - God Bless you and your family my dear friend!


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Nick Sym

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Re: What's Truly Exceptable!
1/11/2007 12:37:14 AM

Muriel and Graham

How are my very dear friends doing? I am learning so much about my favourite subject, children! I did not think I would find out so much information when I came up with the idea for this forum. Because I feel a genuine connection with you both I hope this forum makes you proud – Bless you both from the bottom of my heart!

Thomas John Barnardo began his work with homeless and destitute children in the East End of London in 1866. He was an Irishman whose personal Christian faith inspired him to respond to the needs of the nineteenth century's disabled and disadvantaged children by rescuing them from their impoverished surroundings and caring for them in foster and residential homes.

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Nick Sym

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Re: What's Truly Exceptable!
1/11/2007 2:13:16 AM
Thank you Joe for such true words. Think like a child and keep innocent, that's what I try to do sometimes, it seems to make the pain of what mankind is doing to themselves go away for just a moment - Remember, Peace and Love Jo, Peace and Love!
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Jerilyn Merideth

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Re: What's Truly Exceptable!
1/11/2007 2:18:16 AM

Hi Brother,

You know I live with this every minute of everyday. Please don't get me wrong, I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm lucky to be alive!

That is why I use my forums to help those who CAN"T help themselves!

Believe me, it bites!

As for Williams post, 

I have always been drawn to the disabled. I remember in my teen years my mom would take me to pick up a friend that was born disabled and I would wheel her around neigborhoods at Christmas time to check out the lights and to get her out of the house. I would visit with her often. Funny thing though, no one else did.

Now, I know God was perparing me for my disablity 30 yrs. later.

Just because I'm in a wheel chair doesn't mean I can't think, feel or otherwise not care about others. It keeps me going knowing I have you and so many others here in adlandpro & TGAMM that are true friends. And alot of you didn't know I was disabled (until my husband posted my pic!)

That meant a lot!

I Love Ya,



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Nick Sym

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Re: What's Truly Exceptable!
1/11/2007 2:21:57 AM

Dear Linda, I worked with SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) for several years until it dawned on me that if we cannot treat our own kind in a civilized manner, how would we treat a visitor from an other planet - something to think about!

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