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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/9/2007 6:06:08 AM

Questions Jeffrey . . . It someone want's to be friends, what is their true motivation?

To send their ad directly to you? OR, to offer truly helpful information, from one a fellow marketer to another?

We work very hard to provide free information to someone who may have spent hours, days, or even weeks looking for the information we present. If we put that information DIRECTLY in your habds, Is that an ad or an offer of assistance?

If one of my friends were to assist me in the same way, I would thank them for saving me TIME and MONEY and use their information immediately.

What I do is accept the invitation, allow that person one or two opportunities to determine what their true motivation is. THEN I MAKE A DECISION, remove them as a friend, or enjoy a free exchange of information. After all, "nothing ventured is nothing gained". RIGHT?

I don't know about you but I NEVER READ SPAM EMAIL. In a similar way, I NEVER read a friend's SPAM invitation. They wasted their time not MINE.

Have a great day,

James A. Holish

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Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services, LLC

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Richard Mathiason

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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/9/2007 6:28:27 AM


I agree with your take on Send Me A Message. When I get only an ad from a person and that is the first contact, I usually delete it and do not approve them at that time.

If someone sends me something about themselves or just requests that we be friends, then I will most likely check out their profile. We can then become friends.

Most people do not get married if there hasn't been any dating(probably aging myself with that term lol). Same thing goes with business. It takes some time to develop a relationship.

All The Best!

Richard Mathiason

Think It, Ink It, Expect It, Accept It, Be Grateful for It, Let Go and Let God!

Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/9/2007 12:32:42 PM
Kenneth I agree wiht you. I recieve new invitations & attached ot the bottom is a ad. As a matter of fact In just very nicely corrected this person on it. I am glad to make new friends but please keep the ads out of the invitations friends. If you want to talk send me a message & lets talk. I am here to help anyone as best I can.
Hopefullly these ads will slow down.
This was the first thing I learned when i started here. Was not to place ads with  invites.
Kathy C
Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/10/2007 8:51:55 AM
 Sample Friend Invitation

 Hello, my name is__________.

 While checking out your profile, I see that you and I have some common interests. Would you consider adding me to your friends list? I think it would be great to be able to share information and learn from each other.


When in doubt, leave the ad out.

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Mel Rudolph

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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/14/2007 10:38:13 PM

Kenneth, this is a really good subject. Although I appreciate the marketers for sharing their business with me, I find it a bit upsetting that when opening ''you have a personal message" most of them are ads. 

I love opening "you have a personal message" because I know some of the marketers just want to say hi or want to know how you're doing etc...

So I'm with you on that 100%

Good on you for bringing this up. Have a great day!

Mel R:) "Don't walk through this world alone"

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