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The Drummerboy

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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/8/2007 12:30:16 PM
~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/8/2007 12:31:39 PM
Hello James,

Thanks for mentioning that. I feel and believe it is the behavior that needs to be addressed and not what site is involved. The site didn't click the link, the human did.

thanks again,

Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/8/2007 12:38:11 PM
Hello Valerie,

You are correct that education is needed but, not just newbies. And we can teach to those that want to learn.

It's each individual's responsibility to learn when they get into anything, business or personal. It's a priveledge to teach when one knows how.

Thanks for coming by.


p.s. Thanks to all of you that have come by.
Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/8/2007 1:59:11 PM
Right On Ken!

Oh boy! I get really sick and tired of having my Adland inbox jammed with spam from members. It is to the point now, that I login and check my inbox, and if the subject even hints at an ad, I delete them without even opening them.

The thing that really irks the shit out of me is the fact that I DO NOT send ads to people on my friends list, nor do I send ads in invitations to become friends, but I get that crap all the time.

If I am interested in an opportunity, I will ask you for informtion. Otherwise, stop cramming opportunities down my throat.

I've been a member here for many, many years, and I have never slammed people with advertisements.

Maybe I need to add to my profile that I am not looking for a home business opp. I have my own business; thank you very much.

Another thing that bugs me, while we're on the subject of rudeness...

People who visit disscussion forums and have nothing to contribute to the conversation, so they post a sales pitch instead. (This happens all the time.)

I believe that my own forum doesn't get much traffic because I moderate it and don't allow blatant advertising in it. Too bad for those who don't visit. I post some really good information there.

Kudos to you Ken, for speaking up.

Have an awesome day!
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Natalya Restivo

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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/8/2007 2:04:02 PM

It's me. Again!:-)

Let me tell you about a priceless lesson I got recently.

I received invitation from Roberto Carrillo to participate in his forum ***We Need Help***Post Here Your Cancer Prevention

Of course, I accepted this invitation and told about MY business. Later I read Roberto's response. I found out that he not only read my post carefully, learned information, but also placed links to my web sites in his message. I did not feel comfortable, as I saw my action as selfish.

Let me introduce Roberto Carrilo's forum to you as my thankfullness to him for his lesson.

Business is a competitive thing, but we should remember that we should live according human beings laws, not jungle rules. 

Valerie, thank you for your post. Like you, I made, and maybe still make same mistakes, they are typical for newbies. You are right, education could be helpful.

I think, there is nothing bad if people offer newbies to join their business. Probably, it might be a good opportunity for somebody. But it's bad if you get same offers over and over again.



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