
Re: A man may learn wisdom even...
1/4/2007 5:28:37 PM


Very good!

I have learned that a person can learn Wisdom from a person that is classified as being mentally handicaped.

The majority of them seem to have more Wisdom than we that are classed as being normal!

Take the time to talk to them and ask questions and you may find this to be true.

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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: A man may learn wisdom even...
1/5/2007 4:18:55 AM
Hi Bogdan, Thanks for the quote even though I do not agree with all of it. While one may most certainly learn from a foe, in my view, they are not learning "Wisdom" rather they are learning knowledge. I submit one does not "learn" wisdom, rather it is something which just happens once a person has gained sufficent knowledge. This knowledge is gained through both study and experience. And sufficent knowledge then leads to wisdom.
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Jenny SJ

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Re: A man may learn wisdom even...
1/5/2007 7:22:14 AM
Hi Bogdan,

This a very thought provoking quote - which is one which can be looked at in a variety of ways.

Judy points out that it is a way of learning how not to be - and it is an observation which I agree with heartily.  We can grow by learning what to do and what not to do, and in this way achieve personal growth.  "To youself be true"

However, there is another side of the coin - when our foe is succeeding where we are failing, we have two options - to refuse to play their game and sidestep the attack (always advisable when the foe is bigger than you lol) - which is one way of learning what not to do

imitate them, follow their tactics and succeed as they have  (if you cant beat them - join them) i.e. learn from the success of our foes.

This second practice has been used in business for years.  It your "enemy business" finds a new successful line of products - produce something even better.  The highly competitive soap powder and cleaning products industry is a prime example of this.

As I said before - a very thought provoking quote today and one which could open an infinite debate.

Saludos and a Happy New to All

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