Thank you Marilyn for Caring and Sharing.
Hi Tim,
I am deeply saddened to hear of your Dad's passing. I truly understand what you are feeling. My Dad crossed over, exactly Thirteen years ago today, on January 4, 1994. I pray that the Angels of our Lord will walk beside you and all of your Family through the difficult days and weeks ahead, to Comfort and Strengthen each and every one, until that Glorious Day soon, when we shall all be reunited in the Heavens, to live for Eternity in the Presence of God our Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
May the LORD Bless you and Keep you,
May the LORD make His Face to shine upon you and be Gracious unto you,
May the LORD lift up His Countenance upon you and give you Peace. Numbers 6:24 AMEN!!!
Your Brother in Christ,
