Wonderous Mr Sword, You are so on Target.
The stories are appalling.
One sure way to begoin a simple investigation is to see if total Information is available. (Name, address, Phone number) and don't spend a Dime until you have personally spoken to the person to whom you are sending Money.
I didn't Upgrade here at Adland until I spoke directly to Bogdan.
There is not an Internet Program owner who is too busy to speak to you. If you can't reach the principal ( recipient of the Money), Adios!!!
We encourage all to call us before opening their Checkbook. Do the Google search, Ask for references.
Never could understand how gullible people are.
Thanks again for Being you, and Everyone here at Adland will Prosper in 2007 if they practice due Diligence. The opportnuities are amazing. We have Associates doubling Income monthly
Chuck & Shirley Bartok www.chuckbartok.com 530798-0245