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Re: A *very* interesting comparison. Your thoughts?
12/27/2006 11:45:38 PM

Hi Rick.

I noticed that you say you haven't placed any ads on adlandpro, are you making money from Adlandpro? I have only been doing internet marketing for the past 4 months and I haven't made much money either. Am I in the majority?

Yes, indeed, I make income from clients that are also Adland members... and no, I don't have any ads here. lol. The clients that came to me through Adland work with me because of the conversations I have... which basically showed them that I know what I'm talking about in my industry.

That's why I say we're here to earn credibility. Credibility outsells ads any day of the week. If I *did* place an ad here, I'd place an ad sending people to my forum. But the honest truth is I really don't actively seek new clients anymore, so I don't run ads.

And yes, you are in the majority. Most people online aren't making much, either. If you look at the poll results, the vast majority make less than $250/month online. From knowing the members of my forum (to some degree lol) I know that the very few that are making a good income are the ones that selling products or services in a field they are proficient at.


I do not even know how to set up a website, but I really don't have the exta money to have someone else do it at the present time. i thought I would make some money first and then I would have the capitol to pay someone for a good website.

Never, never spend money you can't afford to lose - even on a website. A website is just a "tool" -- a piece of your marketing arsenal.  Not so different than a brochure or flyer. All it does it tell people what you offer. You still have to promote it, and if you don't know how to do that, it will be an expense with no return.

When I started online, there was no such thing as blogs. Today, there are. That's why I tell people that if you have an area you have knowledge in, blog about it. Interact in the blog community. It's a free way to test your methodology.

See, a lot of people post more ads and hype in their blogs. And no one responds. People are sick of hype and ads. But, if you KNOW a field and have passion for it, you can blog about it easily.  And if you're giving information and having conversations - business and customers will follow.

If you can 'test' your techniques for free (ie; in a blog) why pay to test them? You can get a really great blog for free at Just create a login, pick a template, and start posting. They have faq's for info and support/tips/etc.. so it allows you to get started at no cost. Just be sure you're not posting ads, because ads aren't conversations. 

: )

Re: A *very* interesting comparison. Your thoughts?
12/28/2006 12:01:30 AM

Hi Jenny!

A "very" interesting way to end the year. lol  The only suprise I have received from your poll is the high percentage of people (around 30%) who reckon they earn over $1000 a months on the internet.

What it doesnt show is HOW they earn this money?- through surf sites, MLM's or direct sales of other products and services?  I have to confess that the money I make on the internet is a direct result of sales of my angels and nativities on my Website .....
It would be interesting to know what kind of sources/sites/programmes the 30% have  for their internet income.

I believe I can take a stab at the answer. In general, people succeed when they sell products or services in a field they know. While I don't know who specifically clicked that button, I think I'm pretty safe in guessing which members are doing okay and getting there. lol  Might be an interesting poll to run, though. Thanks for the idea!

Incidentally, did you know that there is an entire subculture of people that are fascinated with angels online? probably for people that collect nativity sets, too, though I'm not as familiar with that collection subset.

I bet if you were to write articles about angels and distribute them at the article directories, you'd attract more angel collectors. If you're curious or want more info, let me know. I won't post a whole "how to" unless you're interested. lol


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Re: A *very* interesting comparison. Your thoughts?
12/28/2006 7:36:04 AM
Hello again Linda

Thanks for your reply to my post - yes I agree that it would be interesting to in what areas people re making money on the net - it is after all only the "point of sale" but the poll gives no idea what they are selling.

On your comments about the angel "subculture" lol (I think perhaps niche area might be more appropriate! )  I think you have a very valid point.  I will be delighted to be able to PM you on the topic.  I agree one hundred percent with you in principal, but the "how to" foxes me a little.  Particulary when trying to find the right place to target this audience!

I have not forgotten how much Peter and yourself helped me with a website problem when I first joined - and I didnt even know that I had one at the time!  You amaze me with the generosity with which you give you time!


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Re: A *very* interesting comparison. Your thoughts?
12/28/2006 7:40:10 AM

Unfortunately I fall into the Zero category just now ! I'm probably more fortunate than a lot of people though, as I've only been trying since October this Year ! - Always try to look on the brightside eh ! Linda.


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Re: A *very* interesting comparison. Your thoughts?
1/26/2007 1:56:21 AM
Linda and all,

Your poll is very interesting, but I feel obligated to point out the skew.  These results need to have a reference to how long they have been in their business.  Something like, "How much are you making at six months in the business?".  If the majority of your poll takers have been in their business for six months and only a few have been in three years, of course the poll would reflect very little money made by the majority.  Just something to consider when evaluating this type of data.  However, it is always good to participate in reality.  :)
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