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thoughs of family
12/24/2006 1:38:22 AM

Happy Happy Holidays

What does this mean to you all

for me it means a house warmed by the sounds of laughter and the smell of the fir tree thru-out the house

The feel of all your closest and most loved ones all together filling our home with love and smiles and the children all playing

A time to reflect on the years past events and the feeling of another year of our lives passing and sharing it with all i love so dear

A time when we forget all the petty things and reunit with our familys to toast each other in the true spirt of what they truly mean to us and forgetting all the past.

People coming from far and wide to be one familly again and to smell the covers in the bed that was made by the people we love

To wake up in the a place called home and with the people that we have always had in out lives with the sound of familier voices and the sounds that bring me back when I was a child.

The lights on the tree sparkeling off the tinsel by the fire place casting shadows on the wall and the sounds of the children trying to sleep in ther beds .

A morning that starts before the daylight has begun the sound of tiny foot steps trying not to run and wake us all

Whispers of joy as the stockings undone then the sound of the door opening with kids yelling wake up every one

These are just some of my thoughts of christmas to me

Re: thoughs of family
12/24/2006 6:22:35 AM

In time for me to wish you and all who are friends of Adland Angels A Merry Christmas


Thanks for the Forum. Nice to see you again Philip Low c.m.o. My Cabby Career
Gwyn Walker Chambers

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Re: thoughs of family
12/24/2006 12:29:39 PM
Here are huge hugs to Kathy and Aaron!
This post is precious. Thanks for bringing smiles and light to my day today.
Merry Christmas.
GET PAID 2 TAKE VACATIONS. Serious Money. Fun Business. Get started FREE. Gwyn Walker Chambers International Business Developer
Robert Coaster

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Re: thoughs of family
12/24/2006 2:02:23 PM
Hi Aaron & Kathy, Great job your are doing here enjoy all your posts! Merry CHRISTmas to everyone here & God bless, Bob
Re: thoughs of family
12/24/2006 2:37:11 PM
 Hi aaron and Kathy, A wonderful looking Family, Your truely Blessed , This fine Christmas, Hoping you all the Success, and The best At new Years, When all your babvies have Birthdays. The Blessings Continue To mount fot You, From All of Us At Chamnp car Print Sales at 269 birmingham Street. toronto, Ontario Canada.      From Glenn Roberts  Your frioend Here at Adland Pro. 