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Re: Guardian Angel
12/20/2006 5:45:15 PM
 Hi kathy, wanted to Wish you all a very Christmas, And a Happy New Year, The poem Was a inpressive piece of Work, Wishing the Best This Christmas, and A very happy New year, For 2007, compliments from Champ Car print sales , at    Thank you all of You. This Christmas Should be happy And Fun for all My family. Nice to hear from You Kathy, the best to you and Family This year, And in 2007  Glenn
Re: Guardian Angel
12/21/2006 5:10:12 PM

Very beatiful poem.. thanks for sharing..

Merry Christmas to you all..

Hugs Johanna..

Re: Guardian Angel
12/23/2006 1:23:50 PM
Hello my Angels,
Thank you so very much for all your careing words, You are such blessings in our lives.We appreciate each and every one of you.
You are very special to us.We are glad you are part of our online family.
Many blessings to you.
Aaron and Kathy
Re: Guardian Angel
12/24/2006 2:19:01 PM
 Thank you Kathy, And Ian, Ive read the Poem, Quite an Inpersenation Of The True Holiday Of Giveing to others , Joy For long Lasting Good will. Thank you, Hope to hear You Had a Wonderful christmas, and a Very Happy New Year for 2007, From champ car Print Sales , at   Will be Looking forward to be Meeting In the New year. Thank you and God Bless you all, May the Blessings be bountiful For you and Your Familys. From Glenn Roberts, Toronto, Ontario. Canada
Re: Guardian Angel
12/27/2006 9:35:19 AM
Hello William,
Thank you and your are spirit filled,
Aaron and Kathy

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