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Re: Guardian Angel
12/18/2006 9:52:12 AM
Hello to all our Gentlemen friends,
God has a great purpose for you all to spread your wisdom and your expereinces with others. From your stories you plant many seeds along the way. some will get watered some wont, but for those who need your words those stories you tell will live on.What we read with our eyes we retain in our brain. this is how we can proses life thru the eyes of others, keep sharing your stories and never stop planting those seeds. Thank you for caring enough to share with us.

Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Guardian Angel
12/18/2006 10:08:55 AM
Thank you Kathy and Ian,

I speak to my Guardian Angels all the time-I'm sure I'm too much a handful for only one:)

Ian, I hope that you do not get too overwhelmed by such a large outpouring of emotion stimulated by your writing. It can sometime be like going from 0-120 mph when the 'shift' happens and all of a sudden you go from thinking no one cares about you and then find out there are hundreds just waiting for you to speak and announce your presence.

The good thing about the internet is that you can go away from it to catch your breath, re-group and return.

We really do love you-beleive it,
from one of your cyber-moms
p.s. I am anxiously awaiting my jar head to come home for Christmas-I know you guys are the defenders of the free world and all that-but Moms' hug!-that's what we do.

Nick Sym

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Re: Guardian Angel
12/18/2006 1:54:01 PM

Hello Aaron and Kathy


Not only did I make a new friend today

I was privileged to read a beautiful piece of work! Thank you so much my new found friend

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Re: Guardian Angel
12/18/2006 3:05:33 PM

Guardian Angel

Noun 1. An angel believed to have special affection for a particular individual.

Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Specialty Definition: Guardian Angel

(From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia)

A guardian angel is a spirit who is believed to protect and to guide a particular person. The concept of tutelary angels and their hierarchy was extensively developed by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, in the 5th c. CE

The English physician and philosopher Sir Thomas Browne (1605-82) wrote:

Therefore for Spirits I am so farre from denying their existence, that I could easily beeleve, that not onley whole Countries, but particular persons have their Tutelary, and Guardian Angels: It is not a new opinion of the Church of Rome, but an old one of Pythagoras and Plato; there is no heresie in it, and if not manifestly defined in Scripiture, yet is it an opinion of a good and wholesome use in the course and actions of a man's life, and would serve as an Hypothesis to salve many doubts, whereof common philosophy affordeth no solution.
from Religio Medici part 1 paragraph 33

We all need to believe in something,so many of us have no one in our lives and sometimes we have people in our lives but it just is not the same, everyone believes something different. I am here to say I want to be your angel  as well as Aaron, we want to bring back hope and belief in those who have forgotten how and what it feels like to have faith in something and who has lost sight of what love really means
It is the very small things in life that people have forgotten.It is that smile just from across the room,its that gentle touch as you brush by someone. always remember that  " you may just be one person in the world, but to that one person you are the world."

So we are here for you all.
many blessings to you all

Donald Rich

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Re: Guardian Angel
12/18/2006 7:04:55 PM

HI all, Thanks for sharing with us.--Don


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