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The *real* secret of success just might surprise you...
12/12/2006 10:25:57 PM


You know what a "secret" is, right?
A secret is something that someone else knows, and you don't.  Part of what makes a secret so intriguing and arouses such curiosity is, precisely, that someone else has information you don't.

Imagine two children. One says in a teasing singsong voice "I know something you don't..." The second child becomes agitated, and almost obsessed with wanting to know the secret. If you're a parent, you've probably seen this first hand.

We adults aren't so different. When you take the human fascination with secrets and believing others know something we don't... and pair it up with seeing others enjoy more financial security than, perhaps, we do -- that combined scenario convinces us there are secrets to success.

Do you want to know the *real* secret to success? 
The real secret is that there is no secret to success. Success isn't even a secret.  It's a GIFT.  Success is the gift other people give you in gratitude for what you gave them.

Having the ability to build something that can help many people takes self discipline. Physically and mentally. It takes persistance and tenacity. But success itself? Success is not a secret. It's a gift. A gift of gratitude from the people who willingly pay for what you created.

Let's pretend for a minute...

Pretend I came into your house and took your operating system and email program off your computer. Then, I told you that you will have to learn to use DOS to operate your computer, and you'll have to telnet into a mail server to get your email. 

Now, when you start your computer, there is no desktop. There is no shortcuts or bookmarks. Just a big black screen that says;

What would you do? Would you want your OS and email back?  That's why Bill Gates is the wealthiest man in America. He gave us "point and click."

Can you think of others?

Can you name a successful person, and tell what they gave many others and received the gift of success in return?


Re: The *real* secret of success just might surprise you...
12/12/2006 11:48:47 PM

You have got me in again Linda!

Many moons ago when I was living in Australia, one of our Directors was a certain Rupert Murdoch.  At the time he was a successful businessman in Australia, but not known very far afield.  I knew him quite well at the time even though I was only the Advertising Manager in one of his companies.

I asked him the dumb question (shows what a prat I was at the time) "what is the secret of your success?"  Little did I know of what was to come later!

Treating me far more affably than the stupid question deserved - he said "Persistence - if you REALLY believe in something, then just keep going for it"

I never forgot that - and have spent the rest of my life beating my head against a brick wall with ideas I KNEW would succeed - but never did!

Never forgiven him for that! Why did it work for him and not me?

The last question is rhetorical!

Norm Clark
Re: The *real* secret of success just might surprise you...
12/13/2006 12:52:03 AM

Hi! to every one! The true for my self émotion,passion,and never give up!

Welcome to my revolutionize idea U.S.Patent !


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Re: The *real* secret of success just might surprise you...
12/13/2006 7:39:13 AM

hello Linda...thank you for the is worth looking into...

happy holidays


Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Flag of Pauline Lutes

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Re: The *real* secret of success just might surprise you...
12/13/2006 12:15:49 PM

Hi Linda,

"THE SECRET" is about having the choice to decide what your purpose in life is and do it. The world has enough abundance to allow you to accomplish your purpose.

I am going to tell you about a person that accomplished this. This person didn't know about "The Secret" but accomplished "The Secret". Hindsight is 20/20 so it is very easy to identify these people.

This person grew up in a family that wasn't wealthy in money but provided inspiration and encouragement. This person started out singing at a very young age and became a very recognized singer. This person set up a company to promote herself and others in the same industry. She is respected in the industry. She has helped and is still helping other women in that industry to do the same thing. She is a recognized actress in her own TV show. She builds houses for humanity with all women crews, a first by the way. She is involved in charity as a giver and provider for others. She is very humble and down to earth. She is a believer in God. She lost her complete band in an air plane crash. She has been in the industry for 20 years. She has a very wonderful family. She just recently was honoured for her contribution to . . .

I want to go back to "The Secret" for a moment. If every young child in the world was inspired and encouraged to identify their purpose in life and do it. Imagine the world 20 years from now.

I have kept you in suspense long enough. This person is a giant in the industry by the way she was honoured for her contributions to Country Music. She and her company have been an inspiration and encouragement to other women in the industry for 20 years.

This person is Reba McIntyre.

Thank you for allowing me to tell you about a person who fits your forum.

Your Friend


Pauline Lutes Gratitude should not be an occasional incident, but a continuous attitude.

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