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Re: I did something I NEVER do. What do you think of this?
12/7/2006 7:09:06 AM
Well as alot of people here I too have been caught up in the way words are said and have been tired for a long time of lies and false leadings. In fact the one I am doing now has got me stupped. I just cannot come up with a good ad because it does not compete with what people want anymore online. They want money like yesterday fast without working or referring. I thought when I started my newsletter and team builder for Jerky and offered so many things to help that tons of people would want to join. I know it takes time to build a buisness and frankly if I did not do the $12 a month I would just have to quit online altogether because I have been down the road of alot of opps and bigger autoship and I just cannot afford them or promote them. Times are tough for me right now. My Hubby is 54 and may lose his savings and me working part -time at walmart. The Opp is my dream that I had 20 years ago..its a shame I did not see it earlier... Can you imagine if everyone seen what I see in this how well it would be all for just $12 a Month... I feel like people cannot see the forrest for the trees.. I really pushed my hubby this morning telling him that all jobs out there go thru this and he should ignore it and just do his job...But I need to go to his work place and apologize and tell him I support him and whatever he wants to do we will do together and pray about it. I know this is a long post but he just left and I feel really bad because we have been married 26 years and been thru alot of stuff and I know we will get thru this... maybe I am doing too much for my team. You have heard the saying Keep it Simple..Stupid...Well either I am not doing something right, or the Lord does not want me doing this...Or Whatever the reason until I find out or I just cannot afford to be online..this is all I know and if I cannot keep up a $12 program online with such a great product.. I just do not need to be doing this. Sorry for all the emotion but my hubby just left for work and I am thank-ful for people like Linda and Mark and everyone here.. Sorry The next post from me maynot be so emotion just ads lol anyway keep up the good work For me I am still thinking....
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Re: I did something I NEVER do. What do you think of this?
12/7/2006 7:28:34 AM

Hello Linda,

I do look at many of the banners while I am either reading or writing a post. Some of the banners are very good and I have clicked on them to check out the program! Others though are just another bunch of hype and I do not pay any attention to them.

What do you think of them?

Take care and God Bless,


Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
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Re: I did something I NEVER do. What do you think of this?
12/7/2006 7:56:13 AM
Linda I have to confess I do not watch the banner ads as I too have been online awhile & I am more focused on my forum threads & talking to my friends within adland. To me these ads are a hype or just a get you in type of thing & I have enough on my plate right now.
Happy Holidays
Kathy C
Re: I did something I NEVER do. What do you think of this?
12/7/2006 9:26:21 AM

Hi Linda:

I can't really comment on the headlines being staff and all but I will pass on my thinking when it comes to constructing a headline for an ad. 

My aim is to make the viewer go, "What the..." in order to entice them to click.  Sometimes I use cryptic messages that loosely relate, other times I examine what the competition is doing and try to take an alternate and completely opposite approach. 

Both methods have worked well for me in the past.  Quite simply, posting headlines which resemble most other headlines advertising the same product will net you the same results each time.  nil.

Hope this helps.


Michael, Adlandpro'grammer'

Re: I did something I NEVER do. What do you think of this?
12/7/2006 9:44:23 AM
Hi Linda,

"Don't believe everything you see  on the web"  applies  to the banners  just  as  much  as  it  does to any other ads.

If we owned "that program"  could we afford to pay our downlines that kind  of totally unrealistic  sums of money every week and still make an honest living for ourselves?

If we could not - then no one else can do it either. 

Maybe if we turned off the greed and the impatience we would find it much easier to tune out the phoney banners.

One more thing.  Banners that wink and blink and dance and flash are not only hard on the grocery money they are also hard on the eyes.

Wishing you all much joy on your online journey,


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