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What brings you to Adland? People? Opportunties?
12/6/2006 11:08:47 PM


I'm curious. What keeps you logging into Adland?

If there's more than one reason, select the *top* reason in the poll... and then you can add details in a post if you like!

: )

What brings you to Adland?
Total Votes: 30

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Flag of Mark Hodgetts

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Re: What brings you to Adland? People? Opportunties?
12/6/2006 11:54:15 PM
Frankly, Linda the only reason I'm still here, is because I find your forums both educational and entertaining
Re: What brings you to Adland? People? Opportunties?
12/7/2006 12:02:04 AM
Hi Linda,

I am the 'other' vote just placed. I like helping people. I am a teacher by nature. So it's the sharing I am here for.

Great topic!

Best to you

Flag of Bill Brown

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Re: What brings you to Adland? People? Opportunties?
12/7/2006 12:23:55 AM

Hi Linda,

I came here originally in the hope of finding some serious people that would use my services.

I found a lot of people only interested in building downlines in various mlm type programs which I am not into. I have not had one person use any of the services I offer although a few did join me in a couple of free programs (a list builder and one where you can earn without having to pay anything)

Those few have found out I do what I can to help them get referrals in those programs and that I am genuine in wantining to help them. Others have discovered that I will help them even though there is nothing in it for me except good will. I hope to help more once people realize I am not out for the fast buck and what I do is try to help people and prevent them falling into the traps I have fallen into during my time on the internet.

The main reason I stay to be honest is that I have made some very good friends that I now have personal contact with and they make some very good posts that are well worth reading. I also think there are more that I have not found yet.

Has Adland benefitted me from a financial aspect? the answer is no. Has Adland benefitted me from a social aspect? Yes I have made a few really great friends.

Some may say the internet is not just about money. Well I have news for them. Look around you  how many people get involved in the internet with the aim of making extra $$$$ to help with their bills or even hoping for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I would guesstimate 99% of them.

Some will make it others wont unfortunatly as there is genuine moeny to be made without crawling over the bones of dead downlines as people jump from one MLM program to the other to make it.


Flag of Gary Simpson

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Re: What brings you to Adland? People? Opportunties?
12/7/2006 12:44:06 AM


I haven't posted here in months. I usually just nip in and out once a week to see what my friend Linda is up to. But I have to say...

"Some will make it others wont unfortunatly as there is genuine moeny to be made without crawling over the bones of dead downlines as people jump from one MLM program to the other to make it."

That was just TOO FUNNY! Brilliant. Wish I'd said it myself.

I had to come out of self-imposed exile just to commend you on that paragraph because it painted such a vivid picture for me.

"Crawling over the bones of dead downlines."

The visualisation is sensational. I'm seeing rats, hundreds of them. All gnawing away on the same bones. Tearing and clawing and fighting.

I am still guffawing at your words. Well said!


Gary Simpson



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