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Marilyn L Martin

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Re: I received this and I thought of you
6/18/2005 4:45:57 PM
HI Bogdan, Thank for inviting me to your forum! What a lovely piece of writing! I have known these things about the colors, all colors actually have a meaning to them, and it is true! Faith, and positive thinking, are very powerful forces. God makes all things possible! Thank you my friend for passing this on to all of us here! Go Bless You Always! Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Drbob Siegman

247 Posts
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Re: I received this and I thought of you
6/18/2005 4:47:50 PM
Thanks for the friendship and the invite Bogdan. Today's post is a journey into self realization. So many of us never see the real image of ourselves in the mirror. We spend so much time building false yet protective fronts to hide our most inner selves. That it is refreshing to be smacked up side the head with the truth. So much of our day is spent by reactions and not by actions that often keep us blind until we are forced to look at it truthfully. I invite everyone here to visit one of my ALP community friends, Vitae Bergman who has been helping people overcome their past issues that continually cause them to stumble for more than 24 years. Take a look at his personal webpage ( look for The All Game) and then give him a shout about it, Then judge for yourself if you think he might be of help. Vitae is a 71 yr. old, extremely intelligent, friend and caring gentleman who knows his stuff. You never know, you might have fun and you may just find a new friend. Happy Father's day tomorrow to all Dads everywhere! In friendship, love and trust, Dr Bob
Re: I received this and I thought of you
6/18/2005 5:05:17 PM
Hi Bo, What an absolutely lovely "blurb". Thank you foe passing it on. Lots of love. Trudi
Re: I received this and I thought of you
6/18/2005 5:21:19 PM
Hi Bogdan, I think this is lovely,and very inspiring. If it is not considered cheating, I sent it here to all my AdLand friends, known and unknown as of yet. Linda
Re: I received this and I thought of you
6/18/2005 5:26:43 PM
Dr bob,,someday we'll chat,,i am a friend of kathy's also..through my sharing a little of my life's trials,,we have become close..i am widowed twice,,have four grown children,many grandchildren and a few greats(my oldest grand always says,,to her friends "WE STARTED EARLY",,--my faith and strength in our heavenly father has always--kept me balanced,positive and ready to move on---Life is always choices,,and choosing and dealing with the choice is our ROAD--whether" smooth and straight" or "bumpy and Tangled"--we pick ourselves up,,learn from that choice and move on..I love Life and the ability to Love,Nurture and Share--(on the light side,,i'm confused--because I love red,black and yellow--and What does that say for Me???)thanks for thinking of me--you're a great guy,,happy father's day---love from an ADLAND Friend..Peggy B.