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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Busting the ‘Myth’ of the Entrepreneur
11/22/2006 11:22:31 AM
Hello Kenneth, My friend how are you??it has been ages,Thank you, Hope all is amazing with you,I have missed you,Kathy/
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Steve Baric

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Re: Busting the ‘Myth’ of the Entrepreneur
11/22/2006 11:30:56 AM
I did find at first that it was hard to do two things: maintain human contact and get things organized.

Working on your own, it's easy to become reclusive. I still feel like I spend way too much time in my office and not enough time with my wife. I suppose we could move the computer into the living room LOL...but at the beginning I was like a hermit, staying at the keyboard all the time. That was when I wasn't working. But now I'm back into my career, I have my band and my choirs and my students and my I'm around people a lot more, even if it's just in the evenings.

And that's the other part of the problem. You have to set limits on your workload too. Like now, I feel a little swamped because of all the things I have to do, but at first it seemed like there was too much stuff to do all the time. You just have to step back and say "no, my work day is from x to x, and that's it. I won't work on Fridays (for example)," or "these are the things I need to accomplish in the next 3 days, so that's my work for 3 days. After that, whatever's left of those 3 days is all mine" Scheduling without a fixed schedule is the hardest thing for me, but the alternative is to give all that control over to someone else (which i guess is easier...but not really satisfying).

In internet marketing, a lot of people (myself included) will join every program they can at first, then they struggle to keep up with all the promotion they're supposed to do. Over the last few years, I've weeded out a lot of programs that weren't working for me, kept the more promising ones, and learned how to best get them out there and sold. That process has gradually freed up a lot of time (which is now being used up by keeping up with Tara's website and stuff least she's willing to learn the coding and affiliate linking for herself, so eventually she can take over).

Good topic! lots of useful conversation.

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