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Wayne Lewis

7 Posts
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Re: So you were looking for Traffic?
2/1/2007 11:01:10 PM
That is great Tim, I am impressed. Have you ever considered TrafficSwarm -, its a great way to get massive traffic, and excellent commisions 5 levels down through upgrading to Pro membership!


Take Care Tim,


Wayne K. Lewis

Tim Southernwood

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Re: So you were looking for Traffic?
2/2/2007 7:37:45 AM
Hi Wayne,

You bet. I've been a member of Traffic Swarm for quite awhile.
Problem was I wasn't using that (and other traffic exchanges) correctly, and thus my results were poor.
Now that I know what works in TE's, things have improved, but only marginally, and time has shown me why.
Here we have an advertising format where advertisers are advertising to other advertisers trying to convince each other that their system is better.
And MOST of the people still don't get it!
TE's continue to be part of my repertoir of advertising venues, but only a small part. In fact I really prefer other methods that bring a greater return for my time.
Short and sweet, TE's can work but you've got to know how to work em!

Best regards, and thanks for your input!
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Wayne Lewis

7 Posts
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Re: So you were looking for Traffic?
2/3/2007 2:07:41 AM

I totally I agree with Tim about knowing how to use TE's. Most of the people that visit TE's are have a business of their own, which is great....thats why I promote Pay it Forward 4 Profits through TrafficSwarm, to allow other MLM marketers to tap into  strategic business and traffic building techniques to create substantial wealth with a solid residual income potential. Its free training anyone looking for a bigger business and more traffic. Thus I agree with you on other methods of advertising such google adwords, classifieds (offline or online), having your own article wirtten, launching blogs, etc.


Take Care Tim,


Wayne K Lewis

Re: So you were looking for Traffic?
2/4/2007 12:37:53 PM
Now you can talk on the cordless phone, then hang-up & keep an eye on the baby while she s sleeping!
I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)

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