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Marilyn L Martin

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Many Thanks To TGAMM Radio and All Of Our Friends!!
11/21/2006 8:18:24 AM

Hello To All of My AdlandPro Friends & Family!

Last night, Monday November 20, 2006, TGAMM Radio had an awesome wedding celebration for mine and Rick's wedding which took place on Friday, November 17th, 2006! Friday was a fantastic day to get married due to it also being my late Dad's birthday and Rick's stepson Kyle's birthday as well! A great day of celebrations!!!

To all of our AdlandPro friends and family that participated in our celebration by sending in their best wishes and wonderful sentiments to us....we thank you from the bottom of our heart. It was truly an incredible celebration and something we will always remember and cherish forever!

I would like to take a moment to send some special thank you's out to some of the very special people that shared in making our wedding celebration a great success and a very happy time!

First, thank you very much Joe Buccheri and TGAMM Radio for the great show and celebration that you all did for was truly incredible and very touching!

Second, I have to give a huge "Thank You" to Nan Herring, who just started a new position with TGAMM Radio and did so much to make this all happen as well! Nan did an awesome job and put alot of time and hard work into this celebration...for that we thank you! Also, Mumsie we love you very much for doing this for us...we will never forget it!!

Third, here are some very special people in our lives that sent in messages that we really want to take the time to mention them and thank from the bottom of our heart;

John Sanchez - Thanks for both messages and the things you said were absolutely beautiful, to include professing your love to my Dear Sis, Venerina! How perfect!! You made me cry my Dear know how much you mean to me and how much we truly love mean the world to us!

Venerina Conti - WOW! What can I say about what you said made me cry as well! Thank you for just being you and for the wonderful and kind words and sentiments! We love you dearly and always! We wish you and John the best of everything and we hope that one day soon we will be hearing a wedding celebration for the two of you next! Love You Sis! xoxo

Jenny and Arild....Thanks to both of you as well for the loving and kind words, and for helping us to have a great night of celebration! We really appreciate everything that the two of you did for us as well...thank you very much and we love both of you!

To Mr Rick Allen, from Rewards Rewards, thank you very much for the gift to Rick and I...that was very nice and generous of you as well. We were both very shocked and pleased with your gesture...again "Thank You Very Much".

Kenneth Sword - My dear, sweet Brother and friend...thank you for all that you did to help us celebrate our union are very special to both of us, and we love you very much!

Here are a list of other friends that joined in our celebration;

Robert Talmadge, Tanya V, Bill Brown, Dr. David King, Michael Derowin, Jerilyn Meredith, Kathy C., Lt. John Howard, and Geketa Holman.

If I have left anyone's name off of this list I apologize! There was sooooo much going on with the celebration and everything that I may have missed many others, but we just want to thank everyone for being such good friends and celebrating our momentous occasion with us!

I would also like to make one last special thank you and that is to Georgios Paraskevopoulos! Georgios created such a beautiful post for us and we absolutely loved what he did for our wedding. Thank you Georgios for being our friend and helping us to celebrate our nuptials....we truly loved the post!

God Bless All of Our Friends and Family Here!

Love, Marilyn and Rick Martin

Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Many Thanks To TGAMM Radio and All Of Our Friends!!
11/21/2006 11:17:39 AM

Hello Marilyn,

Just popping in to say :C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!  

Marriage is a wonderful thing  especially when you found your true love.

Peace and happiness always.

Much respect to you and Rick.


Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Many Thanks To TGAMM Radio and All Of Our Friends!!
11/21/2006 11:34:54 AM
Hello Marilyn,

Thank you for the invitation to this topic. I got Nan's message. Sorry I could not follow the happiness and the party TGAMM Radio gave you for You and Rick. Time zones are difficult to manage. At the time you hade nice and fun there I was on my work. We have 11 hours difference now.

My purpose was to have nice Party in AdlandPro but The Above Powers ordered different. You can not play with God. Thats what I did. Sory for not being present. That would be a nice experience for me. I am sure other friend made a party for you. I had no access to AdLandPro and that cause by me.

Here is the link for The Wedding I did set up. 247 people have visted this site. My tracker says so. Please send some photos and I will update. Later I will post it in your forum for memory.

Best Regards

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Robert Talmadge

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Re: Many Thanks To TGAMM Radio and All Of Our Friends!!
11/21/2006 12:51:45 PM
Thank you Mrs. Marilyn and Mr. Rick Martin. You are both such
kind and sweet people. I wish you much happiness together.
Your beautiful posts have inspired me.

It is an honor to call you friends.

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Nan Herring

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Re: Many Thanks To TGAMM Radio and All Of Our Friends!!
11/21/2006 3:36:08 PM
what a party. mumsie is pooped out. it was great. everyone had such a lovely time. the are still dancing at tgamm.

you both are so welcome. it was our true pleasure to do this so that all your friends and so many others, around the world could share in your happiness