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Thomas Richmond

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Re: What makes a Dad
11/13/2006 3:00:37 PM

The Joy of Love is what you make of what you see, God gave us ears, nose and a mouth w/ a great brain to fullfill His purpose and this is to love your niahbor as yourself. Growing up without a father or a mentor i was lost for a long time, getting into trouble and hanging out with the "Wrong Crowd" sort to speak, the point is thats all in the past and i know what a good father is, a father is there when your sick, a father is there when you have a problem, a good father is there when you achieve something you really wanted wether it be school or business he is there to welcome you with open arms. Fortunitly i found my father, though i cant see him? I know he's there as long as i am there for him to. Thank God someone showed me that God has been there for me even before i was born! Someday i would like to be one of my oun, to show my children and my wife that the best thing in life is "Love" and its free! Thank you Kathy for this forum.

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Re: What makes a Dad
11/13/2006 4:22:05 PM

Hi Kathy-

Your timing was perfect because I was sad all weekend thinking about my life as a dad. My boy was pretty much kidnapped by my ex and taken to her country(denmark) when he was 3 1/2 yrs. old. He is 10 now. I saw him once for a couple of weeks when he was 5 when I went over there. He hardly speaks english so when I would call, he did not want to come to the phone and when he did, I would talk and listen to him breathe. I have always sent letters, emails, birthday and Christmas presents, but I would only hear back from his mother after Christmas. Never a fathers day card or anything. I know in my heart he loves me and really place the blame on the ex. I have not heard his voice or anything at all for about a year. To my suprise, friday I got a big postcard written by him in english telling me he misses me and loves me. I was happy to receive it but it makes me sad to think that he might have some pain in his heart wondering why his dad is not there and that kills me. I think he is reaching the age where now this (me not being in his life) is bothering him. Maybe now things will change. I love him and miss him so much that sometimes I just wish I could hug him and not let go. I want to hug him while he still a little boy but time keeps on passing and he gets older. Maybe things will change now that he has reached out to me. For me,  trying to be a good dad has and still is painful. If I had the money, I would have been able to visit much more except when she( the ex) did all this to me, she took me to the cleaners and my house got forclosed and so on and so forth, so all these years later believe it or not, I am still broke. Ok now I'm whining too much so I will stop. Thank you Kathy for all you do.

Andy Bryant

Robert Talmadge

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Re: What makes a Dad
11/13/2006 4:32:33 PM
Nice poems, Kathy. My daughter is now 29, but when she was
younger, I didn't have much patience, exept with her when
she needed me.

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Sam Spoo

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Re: What makes a Dad
11/13/2006 4:55:52 PM


I think about my Dad everyday. He was such a good man. Here is a tribute to him I wrote the night before we buried him. It has been on the Internet ever since (July 1998).

A Tribute to Dad



Regards and good fortune, Sam Sam Spoo
Jo Matthias

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Re: What makes a Dad
11/14/2006 12:42:26 PM

Hello Kathy,

What beautiful poetry!!!!  Thank you for sharing!!

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