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Bogdan Fiedur

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I will study and prepare....
6/15/2005 10:09:35 AM
"I will study and prepare, and someday my opportunity will come." – Abraham Lincoln
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: I will study and prepare....
6/15/2005 11:59:55 AM
Good morning Bogdan, Hope all is good with you ,So profound,I watch every day how those in networking do things and how they do it,I watch several videos also to learn how to become a better marketer.I am studying very hard,But as you are such a good example how can one fail.have a most enjoyable day,kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Drbob Siegman

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Re: I will study and prepare....
6/15/2005 12:08:54 PM
Hi y'all, isn't it a wondeful day to be alive and be thankful for whatever we have. Re: "I will study and prepare, and someday my opportunity will come." I guess Aristole said excellently whe he stated (please excuse me a my memory is a little rusty and I might not have it exactly right but it was to the effect of) "Excellence is not a natural trait but a learned habit" Success very rarely just happens, it is something that we must prepare for thru new habits, thoughts, outlooks and lifestyles. If you want to attract success than FIRST make yourself attractable to it! For there is no one man that is that stupid that I can not at least one thing from. Remember my friends, KNOWLEDGE is POWER, so empower yourself today. Read a book, dream a dream, play some triva games, simply expand your mind. with the warmest wishes to all my friends old and new alike. Dr Bob
Steve Chichester

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Re: I will study and prepare....
6/15/2005 12:36:59 PM
Thanks Bogden, That's another beauty. You continue doing great and admirable things. Finally got to download your book of quotes. WOW. Some of those have been "my teachers and inspirers." Many I haven't seen before. "No greater thing can one person do for another than to teach them how to fish." And the ones who publish them. I don't know if I read it or popped it up in my mind from people like those. I'm going to love reading them over whenever I need to kick my gears up. Daily power drink. One on waking, one just before bed. WHat great thoughts to sleep on!
Steve Chichester Empowering Pro*Active People
Thomas West

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Re: I will study and prepare....
6/15/2005 1:56:32 PM
Dr. Bob, One of my favorite quotes is the one you mention from Aristotle. It is: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit." I would add to his quote by saying "We are what we repeatedly THINK." Learning the skills necessary to achieve your dreams is absolutely essential. But, if we "pre-pave" our way with our thoughts, we will have less action to take when the time comes to reach our goal.

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