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Robert Talmadge

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Re: The New Beginning
11/10/2006 2:40:24 PM
Thank you Larry, I never know what is going
to come out, maybe this will explain:

Every morning I get up I never feel the same. The
scenery is familiar byt it is a new day and I am a
new person with a chance to do some good
on a brand new day.

Who is the real me? It is a very good question and
I don't know the answer, I just do the best I can
with what I have been given.

In the end it doesn't matter what card is dealt
or what opportunity presents itself, it is always
about what I choose.

I don't seek to condem, but to build and nurture
the devine within.

 "Who can say where the road goes,
where the day goes only time.
And who can say if your love goes
as your heart chose?
Only time."

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Robert Talmadge

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Re: The New Beginning
11/10/2006 2:40:53 PM
Thank you Angela
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Robert Talmadge

2047 Posts
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Re: The New Beginning
11/10/2006 2:42:14 PM
You have it Pauline, I think this was a message to me, as I read it
again, because I didn't make them up, they were given to me.
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Robert Talmadge

2047 Posts
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Re: The New Beginning
11/10/2006 2:42:52 PM
Thank you for visiting Jo.
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Bea Souza

1316 Posts
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Re: The New Beginning
11/10/2006 4:04:30 PM

Very nice poem Robert. To me everyday is a new beginning. Every morning I start my prayer with "Thank you Lord for giving me another day".  Bless you.

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