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Re: Subjects that makes me run for the unsubscribe button
11/9/2006 2:13:45 PM
Here's some, Roger: 'Lock in Your Position NOW' 'Your Validation Link For (blah-blah)' when the mail is from a safelist for crying out loud! 'Pre Launch' means get on my mailing list 'Congratulations' 'Guaranteed Income Now' as in sign up now, money sometime and probably not enough to break even 'Make a Zillion USD in Two Weeks' mission impossible 'Please don't delete...' 'Please read...' 'I need your help' so I can make more money Want some more? I could go on and on with this! I'm such a skeptic when it comes to ads. Just the facts, please!
Roger Bjornerud

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Re: Subjects that makes me run for the unsubscribe button
11/9/2006 3:33:09 PM
Hi Lorraine, Please go on. Take breaks if necessary.. ;) This should be great reading for those who promote via email. If it's on the list don't use it.
Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

Free Leads System . Click here to visit my Blog 5 Key Formula Steps

Re: Subjects that makes me run for the unsubscribe button
11/11/2006 12:30:03 PM
OK Roger, Part 2: 'Make 6 (or 10 or whatever)USD over and over...' = randomizer = fancy chain letter 'No recruiting required...' then why are you advertising? 'We do all the work...' try one of these and see if it's true...LOL The upshot of all this is to make your subject line catchy but on topic and without fancy claims. Don't use weird symbols or all capital letters. Those get immediately deleted. Go to my 'list builder' link in my sig line and sign up for a free manual that goes into more detail about how to use safelists, etc if you're into email marketing. (Forgive me Roger; I just had to throw my ad in there didn't I?) Just a word about 'unsubscribe' links: if you don't want to click the link (for the reasons mentioned in a previous post) or the link doesn't work, can't you type the page name ( and go to the main page with the copied letter you have and click on 'contact' and send them the entire letter and tell them to unsubscribe you? They'd have to hunt down the person who mailed you, right? I end up deleting more mail than I unsubscribe from simply because I'm too lazy to open it and go through the process.
Re: Subjects that makes me run for the unsubscribe button
11/29/2006 5:11:01 AM
I guess the one that got my goat the most was the one Mike Filsaime used to have his affiliates use to get past the filters we set up for confirming our links for safelists. Since I was always joining safelists and had to confirm my email address, I set up filters to catch the emails that had the word "confirm" or "verify" or "activate", and lo and behold I would run into email after email from Mike's croneys, and it ticked me off to no end. I would open them thinking it was a confirmation email and it would be like, now that you've opened this email...GOTCHA...ooh it made me so mad!

DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
Re: Subjects that makes me run for the unsubscribe button
11/29/2006 5:14:24 AM
How do you like this one Roger?

Don't Open This Email Unless You Hate Money!

DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?