Love the sailing analogy Bogdan.
I really think a lot of my early mind-set came form sailing as a youngster, and competing as a young man.
Right along these lines, Napoleon states in Chapter 2 page 37"...begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action".
This is number 5 in the Six Steps to convert your Burning desire inot its physical equivalent.
A boat resting in Harbor can be full of Stores and Cargo in the Hold. but it is of no use to anyone, until you are on board and manning the Helm,for either a smooth sail with the wind, or the thrill of beating into it. Trying to get as close to the wind as possible, but still have forward movement a manifestation of acquired Skill, through studying and practice.
Remeber always, those who strive for Perfection, end up working for those who don't