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You Might Get Upset Because This Might Hit Home.
11/4/2006 8:14:19 AM
You Might Get Upset Because This Might Hit Home.

They say that only 5% succeed on the internet. Let's look at some interesting facts.

Any successful business, whether on the internet or brick and mortar, has done what it takes to succeed. They are:

* Due Diligence into what they are about to offer.
* Took time to learn about the business.
* Researched the market.
* Set up the proper bookkeeping and records handling.
* Invested (spent money) into getting this business in front of people.

All of these steps are necessary, not an option.

Most brick and mortar and successful internet businesses will do Due Diligence into a company before it will sell any product from that company. Why? They want the manufacturer's backing on any defective products, want assurance that they will recieve products that are paid for and so on.

B&M's and IB's look at several things to decide supply and demand. They will stock on what the public wants now.

B&M's  and IB's research current and future trends of products and rely on the alliance of big name manufactures to help in this.

B&M's and IB's need to comply with all local and state laws about taxes and record keeping, especially if the product is tangible.

B&M's and IB's do spend tons of money into advertising and product promotions including samples. In 2004, a report notes:

    'advertisers in the U.S. market spent $9.6 billion on Internet ads, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC).'


So, with companies being successful because they advertise, you can see you have to spend to earn.

You have to invest in your business to make it work. Without it you will be percieved as cheap, or worse a person trying it out and really not knowing what you are doing. This doesn't build confidence in potential clients. Remember, first impressions are everything and bad news spreads so quick that it can send you home with your head hanging low before the end of the day.

Some of you will say 'I can't afford it'. Look at your spending habits and identify what is not a necessity. Pizzas and fast food are not necessities. You're at home with your business so stay home and cook. How many cell phones do you have? They are nice and convenient and can come in handy in an emergency but are not necessary. How many movie rentals do you do? 3 to 5 a week? How many times do you go to the movies? Go jewelry shopping? Buy Starbucks Coffee?

Just identify what luxeries you spend on and switch it to your business. This is not a permanent switch. It's just to get you started. As you develop and earn from your online business you can start getting back to the luxeries you wanted and had. It just takes some discipline to get started to succeed.

As you see, with proper planning and discipline you CAN be successful on the internet.

Kenneth R Sword Jr
Entrepeneural Social Network - Join for FREE!
Larry Blethen

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Re: You Might Get Upset Because This Might Hit Home.
11/4/2006 8:19:26 AM
Hello Kenneth..this is some very sound information for all of us on the internet..thank you...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Robert Talmadge

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Re: You Might Get Upset Because This Might Hit Home.
11/4/2006 8:33:34 AM
No offence taken Kenneth. This is a great article and everyone who
markets on the Net should read this and know the things required
to make a business successful.

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Ange McCrum

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Re: You Might Get Upset Because This Might Hit Home.
11/4/2006 8:40:56 AM


Hi Kenneth,

Yes that is some very sound advice and we all need reminding every now and then.

Thanks for posting

Chuck Bartok

258 Posts
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Re: You Might Get Upset Because This Might Hit Home.
11/4/2006 8:42:51 AM
Congratualtions Ken!

The point of investing in one's busines is so crucial.
It is unfortunate rhar mant of the "uplines" in MLMs don't stress this enough.

An aspiring "networker" should Budget at least 2 to 3 times their Product cost to advertising and Education. Better 4 times.

If this means only purchasing the minimum product, that would be a wise descision.

Also the "new" busines person should investigate the opportunities to generate instant Income through legitimate Funded Proposals.

Also they should immediately start their Tax File and keep it current daily.

The statistics are appaling regarding drop-out rate in what is one the best Opportunities for anyone form any walk of life to enjoy Lifestyles only dreamed of by Most.

The reason for the Drop out Rate is the lack of understanding by Uplines as the simple Busines practices needed to be put in place for ANY BUSINESS

Chuck & Shirley Bartok Northern California 530-798-0245