Martin Luther King, one of the Finest human beings and the most astute and aware men of the 60's. He thought like some people but He had the courage to speak it to his worst enemies. For this he inadvertantly got the death sentence by a deranged and confused killer, not understanding that he had killed a man who was really his friend.
Such horrible things happen to the greatest people. He must have known when he said this quote that his days were numbered, but instead he stood tall and fearless. Continuing to the very end of his life his goal to change the world.
Even in his death, his goal was realised. Many people talk about him and quote him, but get the picture of what he stood for very wrong.
He was not just a great black man standing up for the freedom of the African-Americans. He was a kind and generous man who really was standing up for injustice and predjudice in all areas of life.
You can amount to something without dieing for it, but anyone who can really understand MLK and share his love of life and his courage and passion has already achieved his success in life.