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Re: How do you know who the Right people are 4 U?
10/24/2006 2:15:22 PM

Hi Joyce,

John Here,

Very few people realize that what they are about to embark on, is a journey along a wonderful path. You have been chosen by your bookwriters of life to rebuild history. I have come into your life to help you acheive that goal. We stand on the threshold of also documenting a part of that history, that may well become part of the history of tomorrow.

With The Corner 4 Women "I Had A Deam" just like Martin Luther King and our site was magically launched on 16th January 2006 which unbeknown to us at the time was Martin Luther King Day in America. The article is still in this BuzzTalk forum, please do read it my friend

Through the devastation of Katrina, You now have a dream, you have a wonderful vision that will bring the people of New Orleans together closer than ever before as you all work together to rebuild. Take this all as a great sign, Katrina was no accident, it was sent from far greater powers that rule our universe so that through the devastation a magical Pheonix shall rise from the ashes and rebuild a better New Orleans for everyone. You are that Pheonix, rise up and create a new utopia.

Look at all the signs that have actually brought us together and caused our paths to converge, starting with 16th January 2006, your friendship with Luella and the Civil Rights work you are invovled in. Our meating was ordained, it was not just fate, it is our pre-writen destiny's.

Love Peace and Good Health always together we shall change the world, just one small step at a time

John Elliott aka Oaky Wood & my partner Luella May


Re: How do you know who the Right people are 4 U?
10/25/2006 9:55:09 AM
Hi Luella May & John E.  

Wow!!  Both of you Rock to be honest.  I have read how 2 people, from different parts of the world, met and be-friended one another; Now look at what wonderful things (&success) have transpired!!

You know maybe there is hope for me too.  LOL  I remember back before you all were Pro's and I too have been watching John P.   Thanks to John P.  for bringing me here.  I remember Luella May being very ill, as I have lots of physical handicapps and related problems so I am not as able somedays to do as I please.  I have tried to build the teams without much success.  I did the cold calls, and everything in between.
Now, I am still with Herbalife because of the great products they have. I am continuing to look for the "right thing & the right people" to do it with.

Much Sucess to you all and thanks for helping we little folks!

Saundra  :)
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Re: How do you know who the Right people are 4 U?
10/25/2006 12:36:53 PM

Hi Saundra,

John Here,

What wonderful sentiments you have bestowed upon Luella and myself, and indeed our esteemed friend John Partington, who is a true gentleman.

We are only ordinary people just like you, who set out together on a great journey to create a dream, and that dream came true through The Corner 4 Women. From the onset we knew our goals, our objectives, but we also knew our own limitations and individual rolls, within the greater scheme of things, neither of us looking to dominate, or be leader over the other, so we fully complimented each others unique abilities, learning, and growing together as one. There lies our ultimate strength, in the unity and great respect, confidence and trust we have in each other. We don't spend our time or energies belittling others here within these forums or anywhere else, yet we hold out our hands of friendship to all who wish to be embraced.

If anyone sets out with the sole intention of finding riches and wealth alone, they will be doomed to failure. First learn to be genuine, learn humility and to be humble, then learn how to give 100% of yourself to others, as this giving will be rewarded, by the giving of others. In the Bible it says to receive, first learn to give, and to cast your bread upon the waters for it will be returned 10 fold. By this giving you'll unleash the powers of love, and caring throughout the universe for all to see by following unselfish attitudes and actions in all you do. By these actions success will certainly follow, and as true wealth from friendships, follows hand in hand with success, monetary wealth will also be guided towards you as a natural progression through knowing how to give in the first place.

Everyone can be successful in whatever they wish to achieve even yourself, provided you maintain a possitive outlook and also learn, when to drop that venture or project that simply isn't working for you. Don't look at failures as being a failure yourself, learn by your mistakes, improve and move on quickly. Successful people fail all the time, they fail more than others because they are not afraid to take those risks needed to eventually become successful.

Believe in yourself and your own abilities Saundra and you WILL become successful.

Lots of Love

John Elliott aka Oaky Wood and my partner in everything Luella May


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