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James Wright

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Re: Adventism and It's Fundamental Beliefs Number 20 - The Sabbath
10/21/2006 8:41:41 PM

Hi Rebecca, according to the information I found, no time has been lost since the time of Christ. The calendar we use today, with some modifications regarding the months that did not affect the week at all, was in use over 40 years before the time of Christ, by the authority of Julius Caesar.

Astronomy says there is no lost time. Almanacs, histories, encyclopedias, dictionaries, old family Bibles, all the laws of Christendom, and the customs of Islam, the Greek Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant church, the Jewish people in all the world, and even modern science--all testify that we have not lost track of the days of the week.

James Wright

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Re: Adventism and It's Fundamental Beliefs Number 20 - The Sabbath
10/21/2006 8:56:39 PM

Hi Kate, we as a church believe that God set aside a specific day for us to rest on, and that being the Sabbath, as a memorial to His Creation.

"And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made." Genesis 2:2,3

"And He said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath." Mark 2:27,28

James Wright

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Re: Adventism and It's Fundamental Beliefs Number 20 - The Sabbath
10/21/2006 9:56:47 PM

Rebecca, I suppose I should also cover the time between creation week and the time of Christ!

According to Genesis chapter 1 and 2 the origin of the weekly cycle. Gen 7:4; 8:10,12; chapter 12; 29:27,28 references to the week as a period of seven days.

According to scripture time was not lost from Eden to Abraham. The lives of Adam and Methuselah overlapped more than 240 years. Methuselah and Shem overlapped 100 years. Shem and Abraham overlapped 150 years. Therefore the facts of creation and the institution of the Sabbath as recorded in Genesis 1 and 2 could not have been lost sight of.

The Sabbath was not lost sight of in Egypt as found in Exodus 16:4,5; chapters 21-30; chapter 35 of Exodus. Even after the children of Israel left Egypt, they knew about the Sabbath. Even in the promised land the prophets called attention to the Sabbath in Jeremiah 17:24-26; Amos 8:4-6; Isaiah 58:13,14; 2 Kings 4:23; 1 Chronicles 9:32; Isaiah 56:2-6; see also the 4th commandment in Exodus 20:8-11.

During the 70 years of captivity, the children of Israel were punished for breaking the Sabbath. Jeremiah chapter 17; see also Nehemial 13:15. They kept geneologies in the book of Ezra, meaning they kept track of time.

Which brings us to the time of Christ where we find Jesus keeping the Sabbath in Matthew 12:1-12, Luke 23:54. I could go on but I will stop here!

La Nell !

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Re: Adventism and It's Fundamental Beliefs Number 20 - The Sabbath
10/21/2006 10:20:04 PM
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James Wright

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Re: Adventism and It's Fundamental Beliefs Number 20 - The Sabbath
10/21/2006 11:02:14 PM
Hi LaNell, thanks for stopping by! There's nothing quite like a shining star in the dark!!! Kindof reminds me of the angels guiding the wisemen to where Jesus was born in Bethlehem.