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Forbidden Knowledge, Natural Medicines and the Power of Information
10/19/2006 4:21:36 PM

Forbidden knowledge, natural medicines and the power of information...

Dear Friends,

Ever wonder which foods, herbs or nutrients would be most helpful for your particular health challenges? Now you can find the answers, instantly!

Over the last several months, we've been quietly working on a "secret" project to build the internet's most useful database of healing foods, herbs and nutrients. This project is now open to the public, and you can start using it right now at:

You'll find the herbs at:

And the nutrients at:

Each of these sites allows you to explore natural medicines that are known to be helpful for various diseases and health conditions. You'll learn, for example, that green tea helps prevent breast cancer, or that Vitamin D is important for reversing osteoporosis. Over a hundred health conditions are covered in detail, plus hundreds more entries on individual foods, herbs and nutrients.

Currently, the research presented on these sites is based on 14 books and natural medicine encyclopedias. We're working on expanding that to 25 books to cover even more diseases and natural medicines, so be sure to check back from time to time and watch our online reference sites grow! In particular, we'll be expanding the herbal site to include rainforest herbs, Chinese medicine herbs and more Western herbs as well.


This important project was made possible by the support of readers like you. Each time you purchase a book from Truth Publishing (, it helps provide the funds we need to pursue important public education projects like this one.

Remember, Truth Publishing is a no-profit endeavor, meaning that our driving motivation is public education, not generating corporate profits. (We're not yet a 501(c)3 non-profit, however. That's coming later...) My own efforts are 100% volunteer, and I've never been paid royalties on the books or articles I've authored for Truth Publishing or NewsTarget. All our revenues are redirected to bringing you the most useful, empowering content possible, through reports, articles and now these online reference sites.

So please help spread the word by forwarding this email. Tell your friends about and encourage them to explore natural solutions for their own health challenges.

Remember, education and empowerment is what Big Pharma does *not* want to see taking place. The drug giants only make money when they can keep the people ignorant of simple, natural, safe and highly effective therapies that make their drugs obsolete.

Consequently, by helping spread the word on healing foods, herbs and nutrients (including vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients), you'll actually be helping others acquire the knowledge they need to stop being exploited by unethical drug companies and a blatantly corrupt Food and Drug Administration.


Never underestimate the power of knowledge to set people free and give them control over their own lives. If you believe that people should have free access to information that can help them prevent and even reverse chronic disease, then you're fully aligned with our philosophy.

The FDA wants to censor this information, and it has effectively done so with nutritional supplement manufacturers and even cherry growers. Don't believe me? Read the shocking story, "FDA tyranny and the censorship of cherry health facts" at:

If the FDA had its way, the website would be outlawed. Because the one thing that today's drug monopoly cannot allow is for people to become empowered with true information about the medicines hidden in everyday foods!

By tapping in to this knowledge, you are not merely browsing a reference website, you are in fact learning "forbidden" knowledge that Big Pharma and the FDA would much rather see censored or outlawed entirely.

This is no laughing matter: If I were a vitamin retailer, I could be raided, arrested and prosecuted for sharing this exact same information with you. In the world of health, the age of tyranny is already here. The only thing that allows me to share this information is the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, plus the fact that we do not sell nutritional products, nor do we take money from nutritional supplement companies.

As such, these reference websites represent genuine expression of Free Speech and the right to share practical information with our fellow human beings. Help us exercise these Free Speech rights by visiting these sites, spreading the word, and supporting our ongoing efforts via Truth Publishing.

Because there are more reference sites on the way. What you see now is only the beginning...

To your health,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing,
which is solely responsible for all content.

For More Informative Health Related Articles Visit our Health Center

John Elliott aka Oaky Wood and Luella May

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Re: Forbidden Knowledge, Natural Medicines and the Power of Information
10/19/2006 5:31:01 PM

 Walking Garbage CanHi Luella,

  Thank you for this very informative forum.  I sometime feel that the Phamacuetical (Drug) companies and Petroleum companies are having a race to see whic one can charge the most money for their products.  Have you ever noticed for instance, that the more crucial the medication is for your well being, the more expensive it is?  These companies are playing Russian Roulette with our health, whereas many of the Natural products listed cost much less, are safer to take, and in many cases takes care of multiple problems all at once.  Therefore, by studying these facts carefully and making the right choices, a person can actually stay healthy and at the same time have enough money left over to buy food as well.  "Behind Closed Doors."  Several years ago, back in Massachusetts I drove Cab.  Whenever I could, I would swing by and visit with my mom.  On one such occasion, I mentioned that I was hungry.  My mother told me to take what I wanted.  I went out into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.  Ketchup, mustard and two pieces of Bologna.  The cupboards contained crackers and two cans of Tomato soup.  I asked her where all her food was.  She shrugged her shoulders and said that she would sometimes go to the Community Club-house for a free meal.  I told her that she could not rely on that.  Again, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "It was either food or medicine."  I went to the grocery store and bought her some food.  I also called my brother who lived right around the corner from her and drove past her apartment twice a day and asked when the last time was that he stopped in to see how she was doing.  It had been two weeks but he would beep as he went by.  That was several years ago, but the sad truth is, it still goes on today.  With the solutions presented here, you can take care of your health and take care of your stomach at the same time. 

Now, if I could just find a natural ingredient to take care of this ugly wart on my shoulders.  Oh, wait a minute, that's not a wart, it's my head.  Oh, Well.

God Bless You


Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Flag of Luella May

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Re: Forbidden Knowledge, Natural Medicines and the Power of Information
10/19/2006 7:13:34 PM

Hello Michael!

You are so funny!

However, the issue with the FDA and natural foods and medicine is not in the least bit funny.  I can relate to the experience you described with your mother, as the elderly people I visit still go through the very same thing.  Medicare does not pay for the medicines they need and this is getting progressively worse.

I don't agree with you that the government is playing russian roulette with our health.  I think they are outright killing us.

It is time for everyone, young and old, to take care of themselves and do all they can to maintain their health, as we every day, medical help is harder and harder to obtain.

Kindest regards,

Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood

Flag of Judy Woodson

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Re: Forbidden Knowledge, Natural Medicines and the Power of Information
10/25/2006 3:24:34 PM

Great Resource, Luella May. Thanks for posting.

Judy ; )

Flag of Robert Talmadge

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Re: Forbidden Knowledge, Natural Medicines and the Power of Information
10/25/2006 3:35:27 PM
Thank you very much for this reference. As a Naturapath I keep
a massive amount of information in my head, but no one can
be a walking encyclopedia, even when gifted with the talents
of photographic memory. The more information you pack in
the greater the chance of association becoming incorrect.

That is why I keep a large library of Holistic Health topics,
and I saved my text books from college. I go through
them from time to time when I need some specific

This resorce is great, and it will help a lot of people.
Remember, the experience of a health practitioner
should be consulted before beginning a specific
therapy and especially if you take prescription

Herbs do have side effects, and they do sometimes
react with prescriptions. While I have seen no fatal
reactions with herbs, I have witnessed many
adverse interactions with drugs being the culprit.

Again I thank you John, Oaky and Luella

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.

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