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Bill Brown

480 Posts
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Urgent Alert
10/19/2006 1:50:14 AM

If you are on a mailing list belonging to

 Lisa Sorensen

 be advised

She is going to sell her list.

Now I dont know about anyone else but I NEVER EVER agreed to allow her to sell my email address when I joined her list.

As far as I am concerned this action is a pure unadulterated betrayal of trust.

I have gone in and removed my address.

what you do with this information is up to you

But I would recommend you warn all your contacts as fast as possible.



Nan Herring

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Re: Urgent Alert
10/19/2006 2:01:25 AM
i'm going to post this and link back here so people cand pst to you. be very careful of this kind of scam.
Nan Herring

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Re: Urgent Alert
10/19/2006 2:03:13 AM
i'm sory, i ment so people can post.

Bill Brown

480 Posts
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Re: Urgent Alert
10/19/2006 2:05:19 AM

Thank you Nan I hope more will do the same

I wont call it a scam  but I will call it a  absolute disgrace that someone like Lisa will betray her list members trust  just to make a buck

Bill Brown

480 Posts
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Re: Urgent Alert
10/19/2006 4:16:33 AM

This is the reply I recieved when I emaild saying I had never given permission to sell my email. followed by my reply.

I still say this is wrong those people signed up for information from Lisa not so she could sell them.

Your comments please.

From Lisa

I think you're confused.
What I am selling is my own collection of bizop optin leads.
Those are addresses of those who have opted in to various
websites on the web that I am affiliated with, for the sole purpose
of capturing leads.
I would never sell my personal warm list of friends and colleagues.


My reply

well Lisa it makes no difference to me

I may well be one of those opt ins and I have never given anyone permission to sell my email address although I know some low life scum already have from the amount of spam I get and report on a daily basis. Yes I report every single spammer not one is let off.

If I opt in to a list on a site for information about an opportunity, I am opting in to get info from that person not giving that person permission to sell my email address.

I can tell you this, should I ever be fortunate enough to find one of the low life scum that has sold my email address they will meet with a very nasty accident.


PS I have already removed myself from your list as I no longer trust you with my information.


