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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Your Traffic, INCOME, and Future SUCCESS:
10/13/2006 7:52:31 AM

There are now over 620 members of this forum "List All Your Biz Sites Here" and I wanted to let all of you know about my other forum "TRIPLE WHAMMY: Famous Bday, Bio and Quotes" if you haven't been there yet, there are lots of stars featured there, some of them may be your favorites:

Also, if you haven't joined Secret Affiliate Weapon yet, you can get tons of traffic tools and marketing tips and after you become a member, you can send in your testimonial and they will put it in the ebook with a link to your site, you can get lots of traffic from that, the ebook is all over the internet, lots of people will see your link in it!  Plus, the upgrade package contains more than $4,600 more in traffic tools and hot income secrets!


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Re: Your Traffic, INCOME, and Future SUCCESS:
10/13/2006 12:05:27 PM

Thanks Kathleen,

Very interesting, here your trial copyof another great idea!  I just learned that Derek Gehl is giving away copies of his #1 best-selling internet marketing course... For $2.95!

I know...  shocking right!?!  Apparently he's looking for a handful of REAL PEOPLE who'd like to become his next internet "success story" and use his $60 million advantage to...learn how to start a profitable internet business in just 45 days and make an extra $7,500 to $12,750 per month, working as little as 30-60 minutes per day--- even if you have no business ideas or website yet!

as you'll see there is absolutely no risk involved in trying Derek's #1-rated internat wealth system. You get his entire 1,300+ page package, which includes 6CDs and 2DVDs... all for just $2.95!  Derek's only condition is that once you've achieved your income goals you agree to (#1) write him a glowing testimonial, and (#2) let him use your success story to inspire others!

Both are pretty fair conditions as far ad I'm concerned!   If this dounda reasonable to you, visit:

and claim your $2.95 trial copy.   Hope you enjoy it!!

P.S.  To guarantee your $2.95 trial copy is shipped toyou immediatel before Derek takes this page down, enter your name, email, and shipping address at:


Gerald D. Houston, RFP
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Re: Your Traffic, INCOME, and Future SUCCESS:
10/13/2006 12:57:44 PM

Thank Kathleen

for the information,

I just found out that

Distributors from Xango, Eniva, Morinda and many other high maintenance programs are moving their entire organizations over into TriUnity.   It's now a national movement.  
This company is on fire, The program has the most exciting pay plan in years, and to top it off, the product taste better than any other juice on the market.
30 days from now, you will hear and see TriUnity everywhere.   This pre-launch is poised to turn into a Giant mushroom cloud. 
Visit the web site (see below) -
listen to the 2 minute message at the top of the first page in the web site
have a great weekend, greetings Chris
Take Care of Your Health with AmericanDreamNutrition's ***** You can be a Distributor or *****Just for YOU ~ It's your turn for success! Start offering Free Bottles to everyone you know, MAKE IT HAPPEN ~ ***** TalkFusion By Alexa #1 Business Opportunity in the world! TF "The World's 1st & Only INSTANT PAY Global Comp Plan!***** **** ***** I'm looking for people who are ready to make a Lifestyle change! Please contact me for your questions ~ Chris
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Flag of Judy Smith

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Re: Your Traffic, INCOME, and Future SUCCESS:
10/13/2006 1:43:36 PM

Hi Kathleen:

I have been VERY busy and therefore in the background for a couple of weeks.  I appreciate the opportunity to show those on this forum what I have been up to.

I would like to further invite everyone to critique it as they see fit.  I truly would like to get some feedback and what better place to start, but AdlandPro before it goes live.  I am quite passionate about nature and have been a bird watcher for many years.  The website I hope will be a lucrative way of sharing my passion with others. 

Thank you for the opportunity to list it here.

God bless,

Judy Smith


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Flag of Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Your Traffic, INCOME, and Future SUCCESS:
10/13/2006 6:51:01 PM
Sorry Chris, I do NOT believe it! SHOW ME PROOF people in Morinda are moving entire downlines anywhere! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
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