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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Racism, the holy grail of ignorance
1/28/2007 7:42:41 AM

I've seen this forum topic numerous times but I didn't want to get into it.  A friend wanted me to visit here, so here I am.  I'll say one thing...Love Conquers All.  Well almost.  Racism comes from members of every group toward members of every other group, I'm not saying ALL people spew out racism but there are some members of every race who will find problems with others.

My husband's relatives are Indonesian, and 3 of the older couples moved here to America around 1960, to a predominantly caucasian city, Grand Rapids Michigan.  They sometimes felt some unspoken discomfort, and some spoken discomfort from other people in the community. 

All the kids they had grew up and married caucasians, and of course the parents welcomed those new sons-in-laws and daughters-in-laws into their families.  BUT at the weddings and births of the babies, one or two of the older people always say "Our heritage has ended here, there's no Indo features in that baby."  I've also noticed favoritism toward the little kids who do have the Asian features among our extended family.  Is that a bad thing or just a comment?  We smile and hug our relatives and are glad that there's no arguments or bad words, but sometimes the softly spoken words are like a grain of sand in our shoe. 

Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Racism, the holy grail of ignorance
1/28/2007 8:14:45 AM
As I said before most intelligent sir,
I did not metion ONE word that was not said in a positive spirit.
My NAME was called out and I responded.
Why does this merit an attack - small vocabulary perhaps?
Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Racism, silly stuff
1/28/2007 8:52:09 AM
Thank you Dave,

It is probably better that you don't delete any of these posts-ignorance always shows itself for what it is with very little assistance.

I can take care of myself-A lady never speaks ill of others-no matter what comes out of thier hearts in the guise of "revelations".

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Racism, silly stuff
1/28/2007 10:05:20 AM

Dear friends,

I have followed this forum from its beginning. David made a very good introduction and the follow up he did and som or the replies gave more answers to many questions and daubts.

I recommend the less you use the word negativity the better and the less you use the word NOT much better.

It is meaningless to make a statement on POSITIVE THINKING ending it with negative words. The brain remembers best the last part of a statement. IF that leads to a negative direction then the reply begins from negativity. If something is not written will then the problems appear which can lead to to very bad things.

To understand racism one must read how racism changed form during the ages. A good way is to Read American (USA) History).

Fifty years ago and earlier you were not even allowed to marry a woman who belonged to another folk group. When my brother married a Swedish girl at middle of 70-ies, my mother reacted very hard and wanted to destroy that marriage. "What about our Greek traditions"? She did not win, my brother is still living with Kerstin and they have 4 children, they are good Christians respecting both traditions. My brother knew how to handle the problem others did not. My mother had to give after and you should see how she acted when she got grandchildren from this Swedish woman.

Things are changing so is racism. Today we have a strange situation. We have all classic racism and a growing economical racism which is the worst form of racism. It do respect anything of human values, it do not separate colours, ideas, tradition or cultures. IT KILLS EVERYTHING because it controls all the "best" and most money giving economic sectors that destroy humanity and that are narcotics, business on body and sarca and the war industry.

I will not say more for not being an object  for braking rules or to make troubles.

Yours sincerely,

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Racism, the holy grail of ignorance
1/28/2007 10:09:29 AM

Hello Dave,

I can see that this topic has been revisited again and now seems to be getting hotter than before due to some semantics.

Let me give you some other prospective and maybe see concept of racism as a wider issue which I qualify as just one of the form of discrimination which we are all subjected to one way or another.

I come from Europe and used to live in Poland some time ago. Poland is a pretty one nation country with very few ethnically different groups here and there. Around 95% of Poles are considered Catholics, which leaves very little room for religious differences.

Saying that, I could say that people in Poland are subjected to discrimination on daily bases.

There are regions in Poland where people speak some sort of dialect which  makes them distinct and they have their regional traditional names. Of course Polish people are very proud of many cultural groups living there and they are cultivating their old traditions. Yet in some discussions these differences can be used to discriminate against the other group if one side wants to make a point in the common discussions.

This happens all the time. On the train, on the bus, TV programs and so on. There are jokes about every uniquely identifiable ethnic group.

People will find always reasons to use common aspects of one group to discriminate against it.

I even remember when I used to be teenager we would go just to the next town for a social which was 10 km from where we lived and boys there would instantly recognize us by our slight difference in speaking and they would attack us verbally or physically for just belonging to the other group.

In a way I could say that we were different countries just living 10 km apart due to slight differences how some words were pronounced. 

I believe that people will always find reasons to discriminate against any other group which is different. And if the other group is the same skin color, they will identify other differences, like accents or they way they dress.

America is no different. Due to its history of segregation, has lots of painful memories and social disparity still exists today due to this past.

Yet every person has an opportunity to be their best and just use their talents, passion to live their life the way they like.

No matter what skin color you have, what language you speak, there will always be someone who will find something in you to discriminate against you.

I get people joking about my accent all the time including my kids. Do I care? Not any more. I speak three languages, most people speak only one.

Bogdan Fiedur 


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