Hey Kenneth!
I remember them very well. As a matter of fact, when they came out, I made apoint to tell everyone about a common sense thought. How can they give people money, the $25 "online money" and then say, oh, about 100,000 people sign up in one month! That would mean that they would have to come up with 2.5 million bucks somewhere, right! Sorry, but looking at a more common sense way, it didn't make any sense at all.
I also would like to point out that even though everyone like to use Paypal, let's not forget that there was some frauds in that company as well, and to point something out, unless they totally sold everything to E Bay, the crooks were caught, but the mastermind is still working for the company. Hmmm!
With Stormpay, well, I used to use them, but the last time I tried, they wouldn't even let me send money to another member. Although, that was at the beginning of this year after they had there woes as well. The good thing about that, is that they didn't try to rip anybody off. Remember, when Paypal got caught, they settled out of court, and to me, GUILTY, and will not trust them until a total revamp of the entire company is done.
In either case, I for one try to use more common sense, which to me, is alot better than a college degree now a days, lolololol.
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