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Holding Grudges
9/28/2006 7:56:40 AM

Holding grudges uses alot of emotional energy! And when your emotional energy is tied up in a grudge, it tends to hold you in the past. Grudges hold energy hostage and it's not until you forgive that your energy can be restored.

Think of forgiveness as something you do for yourself. Think of it as something that makes you a stronger person, not weaker!

If you are holding grudges, do your best to let them go. Seek reconciliation if needed. If you find it hard to forgive then start with the small grudges and work your way up. The physical feeling of relief and the energy reclaimed will be well worth it. Forgive today! It is time to move on and leave the past behind!

God Bless,





Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Holding Grudges
9/28/2006 8:01:02 AM
Dear Marilyn,

How very right you are! Thanks for your time and thoughts.

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Re: Holding Grudges
9/28/2006 8:39:23 AM

You are certainly right Marilyn!   Trouble is a lot of people hold onto grudges all their lives without realising the relief & energy they can achieve by forgiving.


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Re: Holding Grudges
9/28/2006 9:57:06 AM
Marilyn this is another eternal truth.

We all must understand that
holding on to anger and hate does not hurt the person that
we think it is directed to. The action of grudges only hurts
ourselves and makes us smaller with less control over
what happens in our lives.

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Re: Holding Grudges
9/28/2006 11:25:08 AM

Greetings all

    I too believe that holding grudges is harmful. For instance, If I were personally harmed or my business was destroyed in Adland because of someones false statements I would feel the need to forgive . Especially if the damage was caused by the same people more than once. Then I would have to forgive myself for being such a fool and not dealing with them correctly the first time.

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