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Marge Needs your Guidance
9/27/2006 9:21:08 AM
Hello my friend, Here is a member of Adlandpro and she needs our help,She needs to know what is wrong with her site that she is not getting any hits on it?Can you please help Marge Out??Thanks. KathyHamilton(Martin)
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Re: Marge Needs your Guidance
9/27/2006 9:30:59 AM

Hi Kathy,

  Nice site. Has she asked Katheryn Haigler do a Hot Seat ad for her. Those ads get lots of views.

Many Blessings


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Re: Marge Needs your Guidance
9/27/2006 9:42:55 AM

Hello Kathy,

Thank you for the link to Marges website.  Her page has no name, could be one reason for no hits.  Could you place her AdlandPro link here.

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Re: Marge Needs your Guidance
9/27/2006 9:48:06 AM
Hi Kathy,

Thanks for pointing out Marge's site. It looks nice, but I've done some SEO and conversion analysis, and there are some serious problems with it (besides just getting traffic to it, which I'm sure we can all help with).

I've sent her an email with the analysis. Hopefully we can get this thing working for her.

Steve Baric
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Re: Marge Needs your Guidance
9/27/2006 9:53:41 AM

Hi Kathy!  :-)

First of all, it seems to be an easy site to navigate.  Looks like stuff from SMC?  There is nothing really wrong with her site....just some things that need 'tweaked'.  BUT:  a few things I see right off the bat.  The main text could be a different color.......there's already alot of green on the borders.  It could also be made a tad smaller as well....

* Generally speaking.......Main text should alwayd be BLACK.  Headlines should be RED......and sub headlines should always be BLUE.  As an affiliate marketer for several merchants......this is the time tested stuff that has proved to work for me.

The handshake picture is a bit toomuch for my's right below a big main picture........

Now.....with that said.  If she is not getting any's not because of how it is coinstructed.  It is because no one knows about it.  She should vamp her marketing methods and get the word out!  Maybe wrwite and submit a press release?  That might be a bit much........but she definitely needs to advertise.  You know the old "markter's creed":

"Early to bed - Early to rise - Pour some coffee and advertise!"

My 2 cents......


~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!


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