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Flag of Tom Sparrow

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9/26/2006 5:16:47 PM

Bill-I agree 100%! Now, that all of this has been aired, let's see what happens! Back to my real work which is Eniva and helping people get healthy one person at a time! My Best! Tom :o)


Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Flag of Ally Vanderbilt

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9/27/2006 8:57:42 AM

Dear Marilyn,

I just want to add my 2 cents. I have came to the conclusion.. in order to get things solved.. you must speak your voice and not care what others think of you.

You know you really need to get a reality check. The reason is because IN ORDER for this community to get a peacefull atmosphere is to let others VENT out their ideas and feelings.

I FOR ONE!!!!!!!!   I am not one to speak up or anything.. I hate confertations. But you know... UNTIL YOUR NAME and YOUR DAUGHTER'S NAME is drug into someone elses fight.  Let me back this up a bit.  I have not been active much in Adland since about March when my baby was taken from Bill and I. AND NOT BECAUSE I WAS A BAD MOTHER... b/c of her asshole father lying to the courts in a custody battle!!! ANYHOW... so I kinda withdrew from adland.

And out of NO WHERE my name and Summer's name was brought into a battle between  Rick Martin and Mike King.  NOW put yourself into my shoes....would you not want to get that air cleared?? Or would you say, "Ohh it's ok guys you can use me and my daughter anytime in your ugly battles that has ABSOLUTYLY NOTHING to do with us." 

And that is what EVERYONE in here is doing... getting shit resolved. So I say to all of those defending their honor and name and such... KEEP ON andtil you get something resolved. 

THIS is healthy for us right now as a community.. we are getting issues resolved and comming to sence of terms that I know will make this community stronger.  WHAT is the sence of being a community if we can not resolve issues and clear the air. 

Sweaping this under the rug is like denying there is a problem.  Denial will catch up to you sometime and when it does WATCH OUT because it will be 20x harder to deal with.

Example: I am in recovery of Anorexia. I have denyed it since I was 12. It was not until about a few yrs ago I admitted it to myself I had a problem. NOW it is harder for me to face and deal with, because the denial is gone, but the issues are harder to deal with. 

Thank you for listening and hopefully understand that this is healthy... like a group theropy.


Flag of Juliana Bond

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9/27/2006 11:28:23 AM
Hello Marilyn,

I would like to join this discussion at this point. I would like to say Hello Ally, its good to see you back and fighting for the respect you and your daughter rightly deserve.

I totally agree that if your name is brought into an argument, or your name is mentioned in any derogitory manner then you have every right and even perhaps an obligation to your own self-respect, to defend yourself in public! If someone attempts to defamate your character publicly then you should respond publicly and defend yourself.

If you don't react and defend yourself then there are readers who may or may not know you, who will take what they read at 'face value' and instantly be inclined to think that there must be something in it! That you are probably guilty of the accusation/comments made about you. Or, as in your case Ally, have your personal business aired before the world against your wishes!

I think it is imperative to defend yourself and especially when it is also your Child who is being used in this way, (I was disgusted and shocked to see someone resort to bringing You and Your Daughter into an argument that You were not even part of!)

I also agree that 'sweeping things under the carpet' will only breed more contempt.

When there are problems like this, ignoring them will not make the issues go away. They will simply fester and be raised again another time in probably a more intense fashion than before. The problem will only get bigger if ignored. And certain people who are not dealt with will consider that they 'got away with it' and will only continue their underhand dealings.

A lot of people here (at Adland) are under the impression that there is only one issue at hand, but there isn't. There a great number of issues and most of those surround one person. The person I refer to has a number of different complaints held against him some of which are extremly serious, which management are investigating, so then when you see all these different people defending this person without actually knowing what he is accused of it becomes even more of a mess!

There is a lot of misconception and confusion surrounding these issues.
I only hope that all is disclosed publicly when these investigations are concluded.  There will only be more arguments to be had whilst people are 'kept in the dark' about the truth.

For now we can only move forward and get on with our business's and hope that those conducting these investigations will cover ALL issues that they have been aware of and deal with these correctly.

Those 'Proven' to be at great fault should be either exposed for what they really are and for what they have done, so that people can make up their own minds about  them, or they should be removed and barred from this community.

I hope I havent upset anyone here, I don't want any more lumps of dirt chucked my way! Lol

With Love and Respect to all,

Juliana ~




9/27/2006 11:58:17 AM

Hello Juliana

    Well spoken.  It is about time that someone speaks out and tells it like it is. AdlandPro is a lot of wonderful things to a lot of wonderful people but problem free, it is not. I have said all along that many members here have expectations of AdlandPro that are just not reasonable. If we are to grow and prosper as a community, we must face our problems and solve them. We cannot do this if we continue to have certain members protect the guilty and forgive them for everything they do wrong. Also, like you have pointed out, many people choose to get involved in these conflicts after the fact and without even knowing the real issues. This happend to me quite a while ago. There were a few forums were a couple of people

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
The biggest little community in the world. The Spotlight Of Friends
The following link will take you to a program that I gave up on once but, I am now involved with again. Simply because a few friends of mine believe so whole heartedly in this program that they actually kept me in it for several months.

were very disrespectful of other members. Even to the point of lying about them. The solution was to just forgive and forget. The people who showed such disrespect in those forums are still active in the community today. They are still being disrespectful of others and still, nothing is being done about it. If something is wrong, it will continue to be wrong. I don't care how deep you bury it.

    Thank you Juliana, for being so open and honest. Also, for actually showing that you care enough about the community as a whole, rather than just a few selected friends. Many of our friends here have a hard time doing that.


May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Flag of Tom Sparrow

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9/27/2006 12:04:51 PM

It all goes back to what I said before...people who run these forums can simply delete derogatory posts so that other people can't read them and then BAN those who start these obnocious rumors for good! This will solve the problem except if they send a PRIVATE email and you always have to option of blocking them for good too or reporting it to Bogdan!

My Best! Tom

Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716

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