Hi Jenny:
I read 21 pages of your forum. By the time I finish here, I am sure there will be more to review.
I am inspired by this display of unity, the sence of fraternity and certianly the chairty expressed.
The humor still has me laughing out loud.
If I may, I would like to offer the following, please.
There are times that I allow the Interns at TGAMM FM to list replys for me, post our music events and make a comment or two.
My directive, which was not adhered to only on one occassion last year, is not to engage in that which is not positive in its application; to stay on trac with the business at hand.
When I post, there are a few things that motivate me, business, news, music, and humor. With this one, I found them all. I also enjoy threads and or forums that are not like the others one might encounter. Such is the case with the one you and Rose created where you display arts and crafts. For myself, and our Interns, those are liken to spending your lunch break at the local museum, as opposed to sitting at your desk trying not to get crumbs in between the keys of your keyboard.
To continue, and if I may be so bold, I saw a reply where someone noted that they listen to music when at their computer station. I will leave you a radio for your listening pleasure.
Aside from Taj Mahal, ( Jenny's favorite ) we also play 1,000's of tunes for our listeners.
To close, may each of you here be blessed with an understanding heart, a mind filled with the power to embrace what forgiveness can bring back into one's life, and a body protected from the virus described here.
All the best...
Joe Buccheri