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Jenny SJ

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
1/22/2007 5:19:06 PM
Hello Arthur

Based on the principle "Think Before you Post" I am going to give this a lot of thought and then reply!


Jenny SJ

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
1/22/2007 6:40:28 PM
Hello Arthur,

You are certainly a hard act to follow.  You very clearly think before you post which means that equal thought needs to be put into the answer.  As you rightly say - a forum is an exchange.

So - two of the things that you raised immediately stood out

"that there are members out there who feel it is their bounden duty to be offended on behalf of somebody else that they think has been slighted" "
"This, surprisingly enough, is a community of adults."

This forum started after an issue which certainly contained those elements - and here we are nearly four months later, talking about the same thing.  Some people sadly never learn and some of those who applauded the ideas contained in the forum have obviously forgotten they ever read it!   With the resultant lack of forum quality. Which needs remedying!

Do as you would be done by -
that is a good way to lead your forum life too.  If someone offends you or offends a friend -walk away from them- (and if your friends do the same for you  - well it is nice to have genuine loyalty if the offense is genuine.  But -  the idea of posting one's personal grievances in a forum seems unnecssary, undignified and bordering on the infantil.  That is not  forum discussion - it is what we call "nasty whinging when our children do it.

Clearly if there is a genuine complaint and someone has abused their freedom of speech to insult or abuse, then the forum owner should be asked to deal with it - and if that has been tried and  has proved impossible - as a last resort - ask Admin to deal with it

Your list of
When Not to Post is excellent and should be incorporated into any instructions for newcomers and not so newcomers - they are basic common sense!  If we follow these guidleines along with the cure for the Impulsive Finger Posting Virus - we  will be able to achieve some interesting and stimulating forums.

And as a final comment to you, my old coot, since we are using biblical quotations  
"judge not lest ye be judged!! (heaven knows in whcih part of the bible that is found - but it is there somewhere)  No one at one at Adland is on a "high moral ground" because of their beliefs or creed.   We are equal but different  and if we remember that with a little respect -we should be fine.

There is one other trick -  Would you really  say the same thing to the face of  the person you are addressing on a forum if you couldnt hide behind your computer?  If you wouldnt - then dont post it.


Juliana Bond

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
1/22/2007 7:06:07 PM
Hey Jenny,

Long time no speak! sorry to intrude upon your forum but I so have something to say:

I would love to come face to face with everyone who invites me to 'join their forum' and tell them this:

'If your forum is about conflict/arguements/disagreements/disputes/and all the other ridiculous things that seem to happen at Adland (and no-where else on the net that I am associated with!) then please! please! DO NOT INVITE ME!  I am so sick of it that I don't really wan't to come here anymore at all!
Adland was so much my 'home place' on the net that I was excited to come here everyday, but I no longer feel the same.

Every time I have logged in I have found a dispute/arguement/conflict, I really can't be bothered here!

I have some wonderful communities to go to that I am very much a part of and it saddens me that members of Adland, in recent times, have reduced it to a school playground! I think that Bogdan needs to look at this issue and this issue alone, because this is what is/has destroyed AdlandPro.

As much as some members fight to 'keep it going' they don't realise that they are so much adding to the problems, fighting conflict with conflict has never ever worked and certainly wont work here,

Look around at some of the forums right now, what are they about? Conflict!

People new here or 'old hats' here don't want it and are being driven away. I know for a fact that I am speaking for others here too who have been around adland a long time but have got so sick of the disputes they can't be bothered coming here either!

The people who 'claim' to be fighting to keep this community going need to realise that all the while they are 'fighting', Adland is losing members, they are 'dropping like flies'! Adland is NOT and will never be, the ONLY online community to advertise your business and its OWN MEMBERS  are taking it down!!

Sorry Bogdan, but this is the way it is!

With Love and all due Respect

Juliana ~
Jenny SJ

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
1/22/2007 7:31:35 PM
Hi there Juliana,

You are certainly not intruding - you joined this forum in October!  Your voice is more than welcomed.

For one of life's self confessed impulsive posters (your own words ages ago lol) - you have managed to post without offending any individual member and have expressed yourself very clearly and directly.

I certainly miss some of the informative forums we used to have  I just cant find as many as before  The number of members have gone up, but there are certainly a lot of great forum posters rarely seen these days.  Things are constantly changing, and nostalgia for the good old days is not particlarly healthy -  but it would be more than sad if they have been chased away by their understandable boredom with constant conflict.
As Arthur has recently said
"This, surprisingly enough, is a community of adults."  

I agree with you one hundred percent - you cant fight conflict with more conflict - only by ignoring it and walking away and doing something better with your time.  Here or wherever that may be.

My solution to your comments, for now, as far as us members are concerned, is to stay and get some great new forums going and ignore all the grievance and advertising forums. The former may well go away for lack of interest. lol 

Your remarks to Bogdan can only be answered by Bogdan himself.

Have you been following the Arts Exhibitions by the way?  They are positive and very nice to look at too.  There are other ways to earn your living without getting into MLMs lol  and at Adland!

Great to see you
Take lots of care

Arthur Webster

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
1/23/2007 2:58:48 AM
Hi, Jenny, Judge not ...... Matthew 7:1 Arthur

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