My Beloved and Respected Sister Pauline...R....!
Thank you for your invitation and this wonderful post.
This is the message "expressed" "LOUD AND CLEAR" by you and I have to offer you nothing but praise to your bravery....Very honestly speaking, I have been extremely worried about the growing tensions and misunderstandings between our friends and now, I am very glad to say that you have eased most of the concerns. Our friends, directly or indirectly, have been pitched against each other...and most of the members/friends know about this. (Please excuse me to be very frank and open in my statement).
Now, at this juncture....I could remember one of the sayings in our languages...Tamil and Malayalam. "ONE OF THE MAIN DRAWBACKS OF THE HUMANBEING IS, THEY ALWAYS REMEBER THE THINGS THAT ARE TOO COMPLICATED, AND SIMPLY FORGETS THAT ARE TOO SIMPLE".
My humble experiences in this field have taught me one thing...."The only way for any society to move on is with the "UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS" and I honestly believe that this is a "Central Value" to most importantly to the different issues.
Let me repeat once again your "Golden Words"...."Let us not try to change anyone...because....we can't...and the only person we can change is "OURSELVES".......!
Once again....I applaud your "bravery" on this Post and I salute you.
Thanking you, once again, for giving me this opportunity to share my "humble view" on this.
With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers.....!
Your Ever Loving Brother,
Mohamed Gani.