
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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TRIPLE WHAMMY for Sept 20, She's Still HOT!!
9/20/2006 7:58:00 AM

Today's post in the TRIPLE WHAMMY forum...see who it is!  It's a woman today, someone well-known for those of you who didn't know yesterday's person:

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Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: TRIPLE WHAMMY for Sept 20, She's Still HOT!!
9/20/2006 8:43:26 AM
Hi Kathleen,
Great choice-I could see this woman was a knockout when I was too young to know that's what I saw.
More than a "star" this woman had a lot going for her as a human being.
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Re: TRIPLE WHAMMY for Sept 20, She's Still HOT!!
9/20/2006 8:57:39 AM

Wtg on the new forum will check it out and join !

Wishing you much success with it as well !


Teresa Uriarte
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Re: TRIPLE WHAMMY for Sept 20, She's Still HOT!!
9/20/2006 9:53:30 AM
Sophia Loren
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: TRIPLE WHAMMY for Sept 20, She's Still HOT!!
9/20/2006 10:35:30 AM
Hi Joyce...  Yes, she is really something.  My dad always liked her and other famous ladies his age.  My mother-in-law was the one who told me about the Grumpy Old Men and Grumpier Old Men movies, they are so funny!  Women like Sophia Loren could probably steal away all the younger men from us!
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