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Re: 'Bible Study / The Names Of God
10/30/2006 2:14:36 PM
Most Reverend Pastor Lynn,

Please forgive me for questioning. My pere Hebrew knowledge tells me that word ELOCHEIM grammatically menas Gods. Please give us an expalantio to words ending in -eim. My Brothers name is Hebrew Serafeim. If -eim is a plural suffix then I want cant understand "God is my Father" as equallity to Elocheim.

With all Recpects
Georgios C Paraskevopoulos

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Re: 'Bible Study / The Names Of God
11/5/2006 8:43:07 AM
Hi Paster Lynn, Thank You for this portion of your Bible Study! It is very enlightening... Yes God is All In All To US! Georgios, You are the teacher of "words" to us! I am surprised that you want a explanation.. LOL. Anyway, here it goes---- Clearly, this is a vast and profound subject,God`s Name no matter what we use they are inadequate to completely describe. Certainly, man cannot fully comprehend the Deity who is our God. [Romans 11:33] That having been said, it is appropriate to explain some of the names of ‘God’. What follows is intended to increase our understanding of the Divine. • Elohim / God Elohim is the most broad and generic Hebrew word for ‘God’. Most of the time, when we see the individual word ‘God’ in scripture, the Hebrew word from which it is translated is ‘Elohim’. Elohim is made of five letters: aleph-lamed-hay-yod-mem. Elohim is a word that is gender-mixed. It is a compound of both masculine and feminine components. The beginning of the word is Eloah. [In Aramaic and other Semitic languages, Eloah is sometimes written as Eloi or Elat.] El [Strong’s 410] or Elah [Strong’s 426] are the masculine singular words that we translate into English as God. Eloah is the feminine singular form of El. When Eloah appears as an individual word, it can be translated as God, but it is translated literally as Goddess, because of the gender designation of the -oah suffix. The individual word Eloah [Strong’s 433] appears 57 times in the ‘Old Testament’, mainly in Job. [Job is the book of the Bible that was written before any others. The Torah, including Genesis, was revealed to Moses centuries after Job lived.] The second half of Elohim, the suffix ‘-im’ or ‘-him’, is masculine. This masculine suffix makes the word plural and also gender-mixed. [Although Elohim is simultaneously both male and female, it is a traditional convention of translators to use male pronouns when referring to Elohim.] Elohim is also a plural word. This fact has perplexed many theologians. In one sense, the word Elohim is like the English words ‘deer’ and ‘sheep’ – the same word is used to designate one as well as many. In another regard, Elohim is comparable to English words such as ‘team’, ‘family’, ‘forest’, or ‘flock’ – a singular word that designates a plurality. A few verses in Genesis illustrate the plurality of Elohim. “And God [Elohim] said, Let us make man in our image…male and female.” [Genesis 1:26-27] In Genesis 11:7, Elohim said, “Let us go down and confound their language.” Although there are no capital letters in Hebrew, the equivalent in the English language for ‘elohim’ is ‘gods’. Examples of this are found in Genesis 3:5, Psalm 82:6, and Alma 12:31 (9:51). Elohim with a capital letter applies to God/dess. Our ancient brother Abinadi proclaimed that God [Elohim] became the Father and the Son. [Mosiah 15:1-4 (8:28-31)] This is an exceptionally profound statement. Elohim went through a process of “becoming the Father and the Son”. Elohim, the majestic plural unity with multiple attributes, divided into different roles. Elohim is the sum of the attributes of God. Elohim is One – with many attributes. The Hebrew word echad means ‘one’, and it also means ‘unity’ or ‘united’. Now that we have established a foundation for understanding Elohim, we can begin to understand the other attributes of God. As to the above explanation of Sheep.. Which can be said-sheep is a animal God is our Father. In God We Trust nimi
Re: 'Bible Study / The Names Of God Jehovah Jireh/ His Provision Shall Be Seen
11/5/2006 12:20:30 PM
Thanks to you for providing me with the Promise of the Word that the FATHER gives me.My Jehovah Shalom seeks daily.
Flag of Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: 'Bible Study / The Names Of God
11/5/2006 1:26:11 PM
Hello Nirmala,

Thank you for this extensive and very informative theosophical and etymological lesson. I was expecting to get the answer from Pastor Lynn. The problem is not there. You did indeed a very clear analysis and that was what I wanted.

The conclusion is that Elochim is equal to God in Hebrew. I am not familiar with Hebrew language so I accept your expanation.

I wiil be very critical to the Greek version of Old Tenstament because in Greek language God is one thing and Gods-Godesses is another thing.

You are right about my knowledge in 'words' But only to analyze Latino-Grecogenic termilology. I am not good in other languages.

I have my questions because of the word HEL (Greek and Aegyptian) meaning the Sun-god wich is masculinum we get the names in Greek HELIOS and Hebrew ELIAH wich are the same. As you write ELOAH is the femininum of EL.

Now from same root  HEL in combination with the root "laas" [round] stone. In our mythology Deucalion and Pyrrha made people by stones (earth) from that we have the word LAOS meaning people We have the name of Greece wich in Greek is HEL-LAS and modern Greek EL-LAS. Hellas shortly means the People of the Enlightened (God). In our mythology we can see the difference between HEL and HAL from HAL we have the Islamic God ALLAH but also or in Hebrew and Chananean Ba-al or Ba-el.

Of course in our language we have we have words like hel-ios (sun") helectron "electon", but also HALIOS the Shining one (God) from which we have sALS meaning sea from which salt is derived as a product of the Shining God wich is SOL, SOLEILLE in Lationogenic languages and the word Selene (moon) is derive from this word.

God can not be plural. God is one and the word itself includes nothing and anything. It is like the Greek word PAN meaning everything (all) which is a name of mythological god.

The example with the English word deer, in Greek thereion, German Tier, Swedish djur are of different mening. I understand what you say but the English laguage is using it badly. The English language borrowed this word from Greek in a very bad way because the Greek word have both singular and plural and feminine and masculine form od it and the word means "beast", an aminal you are hanting because it causes your problems, in difference to deer anice animal you hunt only for sports or for eating it. In the analysis to this words the experts ate trying to give an Indo-European root forgeting the meaning of the word 'thereion'.         

I will be back in atopic with a full analysis from the Greek translation of the Bible in accordance to these words ening with -im. Normally I do not critisize Bible but somewhete I don't get the meaning or or UI loose a bit of it. If the Greek translasion is wrong then all Bible  versions in all Latinogenic lagnuages have used the words ending in -eim or -im in wrong way.

Why use two words EL, ELOCHIM for meaning one thing?

Warm Regards
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Re: 'Bible Study / The Names Of God Jehovah Jireh/ His Provision Shall Be Seen
11/7/2006 12:29:28 AM

Hi Pastor

This awesome. I've been blessed by your post. It has helped my faith in God - to beleive in his provision before its manifestation. I, honestly, was surprised to see your forum. I did not think that a bible study would be available on ALP.

Thanks and God Bless.

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