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Marketing Hype vs. Reality...
9/13/2006 10:53:26 AM
Hi all, There's a lot of controversy around Butterfly Marketing because most people don't understand the profit models that Butterfly Marketing is based on. Most people think it's all about 'thank you pages' and giveaway products. Not true. The reason I bring this up is that there are dozens of different profit models and ways to implement the techniques in The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript from Mike Filsaime, that don't even require the software or don't deal with thank you pages. And to prove how universal and easy to implement these principles are, Fabio Marciano and Mike Ambrosio went out and found 13 top Butterfly Marketers and got them to reveal all of their strategies for success. These interviews, which don't cost anything to listen to, are 100% pure info... without the usual teleseminar BS and upsell garbage. The people you'll hear on the calls have really focused in on what they're good at and they got paid very nicely as a result. If you're anxious to understand just how powerful Butterfly Marketing can be to your life and how you can take your business to the next level, then you're going to love this... Mike and Fabio have put together one of the best interview products this year. Best of all, you can get access to the interviews at no cost. Make sure you check it out now. To your success, Kenneth R Sword Jr
Jill Bachman

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Re: Marketing Hype vs. Reality...
9/13/2006 2:15:30 PM
Hi Kenneth,

This information looks very intriguing and I will check it out!

Thank you for sharing  :-)

Bless you,  Jill
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Marketing Hype vs. Reality...
9/13/2006 2:36:33 PM
Hello Ken,

Nice to see you :-)
I'm sure that as usual this is a very interesting and important info!
I have to chack it out what this is!
Thank you for the new lesson.
Re: Marketing Hype vs. Reality...
9/13/2006 3:16:20 PM
Hello Jill, I'm still listening to the audio interviews and this stuff is killer material. Enjoy and success Kenneth
Robert Talmadge

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Re: Marketing Hype vs. Reality...
9/13/2006 3:18:49 PM
Got it and signed up.
Thank's Kenneth
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.