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Sonia Lawrence

231 Posts
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Re: For Your Protection
9/9/2006 10:23:24 AM

Thanks Nick for sharing these tips.

I will certainly keep them in mind and pass it on.

God bless.

Sonia Lawrence 

Lucy Walker

241 Posts
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Re: For Your Protection
9/9/2006 10:49:08 AM

Hi Nick,

I am emailing this to my niece at school. Teenagers are so strange. Sometimes I think they have death wishes. She insists on walking everywhere and shakes her head at me when I warn her.

I remind her all the time that she is not supergirl. And she does have the long ponytail. I've warned her that the cocky attitude is the thing that puts her in danger.

Thank you very much. She is back at her all girls high school now and I worry that the staff does not spend much time on these topics. I am also sending it to the Dean of students.

Thanks again,





Re: For Your Protection
9/9/2006 10:58:21 AM

Hello, Nick!

Thanks for this very important information!  Please, Ladies and Gents, remember possessions can be replaced, they are just cannot.


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Joanne Martell

205 Posts
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Re: For Your Protection
9/9/2006 12:12:35 PM

Hi Nick,

Thank you so much for this information. I've sent it to all of my friends by email.

As for the crying baby hoax, who knows if some pervert might read that and think he wants to try it!?? It could happen. So beware of anything like this.


Joanne Martell

Bea Souza

1316 Posts
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Re: For Your Protection
9/9/2006 12:28:12 PM
Hi Nick, You hit the nail right on the head. There are so many bad people out there and we don't even realize it. My car has auto lock doors for which I am so grateful because I don't go anywhere day or night with out locking my door. I always park as close to a building as possible and when I go for walks I always take the dogs with me (big ones). Best wishes and thanks for informing women to beware.

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